Chapter 6 - Something Fascinating at the End of the Road

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After classes had finished, I almost rushed out into the road, too relieved to be out of the building at last. Though the rest of the day had gone without incident, I didn't want to risk anything going wrong. I began to speed down the pavement in the effort to get home quickly.

Considering as I'd been so desperate to get out of class, not many students were milling about just yet. It gave me a chance to get away before they started following and being a pain. I just couldn't be bothered. The day had been draining enough as it was. 

I practically speed-walked as I went, trying to avoid the cars, unlike last time. The weather was much better so this time I was able to see perfectly where I was going. Putting my ipod earphones into my ear, I tucked the ipod into my pocket and stepped to the time of the beat, not caring who saw me. 

Though it was dry, the wind wasn't too great. I could feel the air drifting up my back and I shivered involuntarily. I didn't like being cold, especially through wind. It just made my hair worse, strands flying in front of my eyes and into my mouth every ten seconds. 

"Need a lift?" A voice said and I almost crapped my pants, stopping dead as I twisted immediately to the side and saw a straight faced Adam leaning out of the window, his car at a crawl. "Megan?"

I shook my head immediately and kept walking, trying to ignore him as he continued to crawl his car next to me. Why wouldn't he leave me alone? What, now his friends weren't around he was going to be nice to me?

Stuff that!

I heard him sigh as I struggled to quicken my pace. He just pushed the gas pedal more to stay on level with me, despite the beeps from other car horns as people raced past him. "Megan, come on. This is stupid. You're on the way."

"I dont care."

"Just get in the car."


"Why are you being so difficult?"

I stopped and faced him and his car immediately stopped dead next to me. Why was I being difficult? Why the hell did he think? He didn't want to talk to me during classes so he certainly didn't have the right to talk to me outside of them.

I folded my arms and stared at him. I didn't want to talk to him but I knew I wouldn't have a choice. He'd just follow me all the way home. I didn't even want his company. 

I pulled my earphones out of my ears and switched off my ipod before cocking my head to the side to look at him. "What do you want?" I asked.

"I want to give you a ride." He frowned.


"Because I might as well!"

"I don't want to ride with you." I said bluntly and turned to walk again. 

However, he beeped his horn loudly and I jumped out of my skin, hissing through my teeth as I looked back at him.

He shrugged. "Just get in the car. It'll be quicker and I know you just want to get home. You dont even have to talk to me."

I glared at him and went to move my foot away but he beeped loudly again, drawing my attention.

Not wanting to walk along with him beeping away at every step I made, I sighed and made my way towards his car. He relaxed in his seat and leaned over to open the car door as I rolled my eyes at myself before getting in and slamming the door shut. 

Without a word, he put the car back into gear and began driving a normal speed. I gripped my phone tightly in my lap and clutched my bag even tighter, making sure that I could jump out as soon as he slowed down to my house. I didn't really want a lift but it was nicer than walking for ages. He was right, I did just want to get home, so taking a lift was the quickest way to do that.

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