Chapter 11 - I Was the Freak, Remember?

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Mrs Packinson was already behind her desk by the time we entered Accountancy. I quickly scurried to the back of the class and sat down, thankful that no one had looked up from their desks. They were either chatting quietly or sorting out their equipment for the lesson.

What I didn't expect was for Kai to follow me up to the back and sit beside me, dumping his bag on the other side of him to prevent anyone else sitting down. His hoodie shaded his face but I could see the slight smile radiating from underneath. He seemed proud of himself for being able to sit next to me.

I couldn't help but blush.

It wasn't as if I prevented someone from sitting next to me...

It was just that no one ever actually wanted to sit next to me.

I was the freak, remember?

It was obvious that Kai didn't care what others thought of him but I hadn't expected him to move so soon to stay close to me. It made me fill with happiness. He really was going to stick by my side, even when I wasn't exactly normal.

As I watched him, he met my eyes and grinned wider. "You alright?" He asked quietly.

I nodded and licked my lips before dragging my eyes back to the desk. I heard him chuckle next to me.

Mrs Packinson wrote a page number on the board and then clicked her tongue before slouching back into her chair behind her desk. I sighed and shuffled through my book, trying to ignore Kai, who was clearly smirking next to me for some unknown reason. Though I enjoyed his company, I didn't want to fall behind in Accountancy, especially when I struggled with the subject.

Thankfully, he stayed quiet. 

Throughout most of the lesson, I bowed my head low over my desk and scribbled down notes and answers to the questions we'd been set. Accountancy was definitely too long-winded for my taste. Balance sheets and Income statements weren't my thing. They took too long to show a little equation, but we had to set the whole thing out every single time. Each question took at least ten minutes for me to remember to include every single heading in the income statement, first for sole traders and then for partnerships. 

By the end of the fifth question, my hand was hurting and my brain was throbbing with the amount of information I was trying to remember. I was surprised that I hadn't developed a headache yet. I stretched my fingers out and sighed as the knuckles clicked. I'd almost completely forgotten that Kai was even there.

That was until I felt something touch my leg. 

My knees immediately jumped up and banged against the desk, creating a loud noise.

Everyone turned to look at me.


Blushing rosy red, I bowed my head low, almost headbutting my desk, and pulled my hood further over my face. 

Kai sniggered next to me and I sent daggers to him through my mind. I didn't even want to look at him because then he'd see my mortified facial expression.

He'd grabbed my leg!

I tried to concentrate back on my work but it was nearly impossible. Why would he have grabbed my leg? Was there something he wanted which he hadn't been able to grab my attention for? Or had he just touched it knowing that I'd react in that way?

Probably the latter.

Finally, after a few moments, allowing myself to calm down though still feeling the slight blush colouring my cheeks, I turned towards Kai and scowled as hard as I could.

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