Chapter 7 - Turning into a Bumbling Mumbling Idiot

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Adam left soon after food, not wanting to hang out with my mum once she came back. We both agreed that having her see him probably wasn't the best move. I didn't want to have to deal with the aftermath and Adam obviously didn't want to be bombarded with questions. 

He never mentioned about how he was going to react in class again. I didn't want to ask unless it became awkward. He could act however he wanted with me, so long as I knew what he was going to do. I figured that he'd ignore me when he was with his friends but, outside of class, it would be what it had been like the past few days. 

Throughout the rest of the week, whenever I saw Adam, he'd give me a knowing look and a slight nod but he wouldn't progress our communication further until after class. I got used to his slight attention but I didn't expect much more when people were around. I wasn't going to push him to talk to me, even though it was nice having a friend who understood me. 

I didn't even know if I could class him as a friend. In classes he would treat me practically like a stranger, just like everyone else, but after college he'd drive up next to me as I was walking home and pick me up, drop me off, then come in to chill for an hour or so before going home just before my mum came home.

It was like I was sneaking him around but that wasn't technically the case. We just didn't want to make things awkward and complicated and the system seemed to work quite well. My mum was clueless, just like she always was, and the students in class didn't make fun of us. Adam was able to stay with his friend group and I was happy being by myself without the risk of contact.

I didn't even touch Adam. He was careful to stay in a comfortable distance so that I didn't have to make contact with his skin, but I was able to pull my gloves off freely without worrying. I was glad that he understood and just accepted my condition without many questions. He never pushed for me to explain things.

If things ever went wrong in class, his worried eyes would scan my expressions but he wouldn't question on what I saw. He knew not to ask because I never answered when it involved someone else. The privacy issue got to me and I wasn't one to gossip very much, not like I had anyone to gossip with anyway.

I was so glad that it got to Friday that I was almost flying out of class. I'd had Law last and Jamie had smelt wonderful, as usual. He'd turned around and given me a slow guilty smile, indicating my pen again. As usual, Mr Mackle had ignored our little conversation (if you could call it that) so Jamie was able to freely lean against my desk, forcing me to tuck my gloved fingers in towards my chest further. 

The temptation to run my fingers through the hairline on his neck grew every time I saw him. I knew he didn't want to touch me, though. He was always too careful to keep his distance, whether he talked to me or not. I was surprised that none of his friends teased him about us but I assumed that he had brushed the meeting with a brush of his hand as if it was nothing to even think about or waste his time on. 

It hurt slightly, knowing that the only reason to talk to me was because he needed a pen, but if that was the only way I was going to get his attention then so be it. 

Did he have a pen in any of the other classes he was in? I'd never seen him struggle with finding one except in Law, though I put that down just to a coincidence. I mean, why would he lie about not having a pen?

You're being too optimistic, Megan, I thought to myself and dropped my chin into one of my hands. There was no way that he was making an excuse to talk to me in every Law class. If he wanted to talk then he would do.

Once the bell went, instead of rushing out of the college like I usually did, I made my way towards the computer room / library which was on the second floor away from the rest of the classrooms. I didn't need to be there but, for the past week, I'd been staying up late to do my work after Adam had left. I couldn't push my work back much further into the night and I wanted to get it all done before the weekend started anyway so that I could relax and read a book or something. 

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