Chapter 16 - "Please Don't Tell Anyone"

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Right so I'm on my iPad so this could take some time to actually update! Bear with me with any mistakes or anything. I don't know how this'll work out. It probably won't be very long either and for that I am sorry!

Excuses over, enjoy!


Getting up in the morning early just gave me too much time to think about what I'd face when I saw Adam. I hadn't heard from him (obviously, as I didn't have his number) so I just had to hope that everything was alright with him and his dad.

I knew that his dad was a drunk but I didn't know how bad he was or what he was like at his worst. I didn't want to ask because I didn't know how it would affect Adam. That, and I thought I'd be being too nosy to ask. I didn't want Adam to clam up just because I'd ask a stupid question he wouldn't be comfortable with. It was easier just to figure it out myself.

Maybe once he started trusting me a bit more he'd tell me about his family life and what had actually happened.

Until then, I'd suffer with curiosity.

Once it got to the time to leave the house, I made sure that I had my gloves on and then shut the front door behind me. I'd even had enough time to make my lunch so I wouldn't have to borrow Kai's. I had felt bad about taking his food so I'd slid in a chocolate bar for him if he wanted it in order to say thank you. I didn't know whether that was too much or not, considering how close we were becoming, but I tried not to overthink too much about it and covered the bar up before I could change my mind.

Seeing Adam's car pull up, I sighed with relief. At least he was still coming to college. It couldn't have been too bad then, right?

I skipped over to the passenger seat and got in before even looking at him.

When I did though, I gasped. His face was the same as it always was, his hair messy as if he'd literally just gotten out of bed. However, his eyes were narrowed and guarded as if he wasn't sure how I was going to react to something. His hands twisted on the steering wheel and he glared at the road, though he never drove off once I had gotten into the car. He sat still, as if waiting for me to speak. As I studied him, I saw red marks against the base of his neck which he'd tried to hide with his top. His teeth grinder together but still he sat in silence.

I stared at him, wondering whether to ask or whether to wait for him to speak, as he was obviously waiting for something to happen.

I swallowed, deciding to take the plunge. "What happened?" I whispered.

He licked his lips and bowed his head slightly, almost in a guilty fashion. "It's nothing, Megan."

"That's not nothing." I answered, my voice lowering.

He sighed and tapped his fingers against the wheel, unable to meet my eyes. "Can we wait until we get to college please? I don't want to be late."

"Will you tell me?" I asked and watched as he thought for a moment, hesitating.

Finally he nodded and I looked ahead at the road, giving him the indication to drive to college. My fingers twisted in my lap but I forced myself to stay quiet. He said he was going to tell me so he was going to tell me. He would have to tell me eventually. I had to know what was going on in his household. Did anyone else know about the injuries Adam was sustaining? I had a feeling no one did except me.

We sat in silence until we reached the car park to the college. As there hadn't been much traffic, we'd got there a few minutes too early. People were still driving into the car park and students were hanging about near the entrances and the benches scattered on the grounds. They didn't even seem to register our arrival, which was good because I wanted Adam to tell me what had happened.

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