Chapter 18 - Twisting in Circles

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Back on my iPad again but this time it's because I'm at my boyfriend's house and I'm waiting for him to get back from work so bear with me, it might not be finished today but I'll try and upload a long enough chapter for you guys :)


Adam was quick to move his car around the corner so that my mum wouldn't discover his presence. Luckily, she was later than usual so she didn't arrive in the middle of the process. However, we weren't completely lucky. As I was waiting for Adam to come back from driving around the corner, I saw my mum pull up in the drive.

She wasn't alone though.

In the passenger's seat was a man, who looked quite nervous, staring out of the window with his fingers firmly clasped in his lap. I had a feeling that this was the guy that my mum had been staying back late for after work. I couldn't blame her. She needed to move on eventually and if she was going to move on then she'd have to start introducing guys to me as she went out with them.

Nevertheless, I narrowed my eyes at the couple suspiciously, temporarily forgetting the fact that Adam was on his way back from his car.

My mum didn't move at first. She obviously hadn't noticed me stood next to the front door which was slightly ajar. Instead, she turned to the guy and murmured a few things. I could see that she was trying to calm the guy down and I almost felt sympathetic for him.


If he was going to be part of our lives then I was going to give him a hard time. I wanted to make sure that he was good enough for my mum and, to do that, I'd have to be my worst towards him. If he could handle me then he was worthy.

In my opinion, anyway.

As my mum and the guy finally came out of the car, I opened the door further to make them aware of my presence. The guy stopped mid stride whereas my mum carried on walking, chatting absentmindedly until she was practically at the doorstop, where she frowned at my feet being stuck between the door, suddenly noticing me. She looked up and plastered on a smile which was much too bright to be real. "Megan! Why are you stood at the door?"

I fakely smiled back and cocked my head to the side. "I saw you pull up. Who's this?"

My mum adjusted her clothing and then turned her attention to the man who was practically hiding behind her by now. "Now, Megan. Let's make him feel welcome and I'll explain once we're inside, okay?"

I pursed my lips but nodded and allowed the couple to enter the house. The man scurried past me quickly and I had a notion to roll my eyes at him. Wasn't a guy supposed to be strong, confident, cocky even, when they grew up? I expected older men to be more experienced in this kind of situation. This guy acted as if he'd just come out of high school and was meeting his girlfriend's parents for the first time. It wasn't exactly a brilliant first impression.

Where the hell had my mum found such a wimp?

My mum sighed from the living room and I followed her noises until I saw her, sitting carefully on the sofa, the guy hesitantly joining her to sit. Suddenly feeling a bit apprehensive, I fiddled with my exposed fingers, weary of their nakedness, and sat opposite them, daring to raise my eyebrow.

She must have realised what I was getting at because she patted the guy's knee, causing him to jump slightly in his seat. "Megan, honey, this is Richard."

I turned my gaze to Richard and he blinked and nodded slightly at me.

"Hi. How do you know each other?" I pulled my phone out of my pocket and flicked my fingers down. I knew I wouldn't be able to warn Adam in time. I just hoped that he'd see my mums car and have the intelligence to try and get into my window upstairs, which I'd left partially open just in case this kind of situation was going to happen.

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