Chapter 15 - He Spread Himself Like a Starfish

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We didn't even bother going back to college. Everything had been so hectic that I hadn't felt up to meeting Brett and Jessica again. Instead, Kai and I stayed at the park until college was over and then moved back towards the building to get his car. 

As we walked along I had a weird feeling that someone was watching me but I didn't think too much into it. There were too many people around to make me feel uncomfortable about it when I was just as uncomfortable with the amount of bodies surrounding me.

Luckily, Kai wrapped his arm around me and shuffled me through the crowds without even any trouble. It was as if people parted for him to go through. I clutched the sleeve of his hoodie tightly so that I wouldn't be pushed over by the insane amount of people spilling out of the doors. 

Soon we were at his car and he quickly unlocked it, opening the passenger door for me. I looked over my shoulder at him to say thank you but instead, I saw Adam strolling towards the carpark. He must have seen me before I'd spotted him because he was already on his way over. I stood back slightly from the door just as Kai got into the driver's seat.

"You getting in, beautiful, or are you going to keep me waiting?" He sent a wink towards me and I couldn't help but grin back at him.

"I'm just going to return these gloves to Adam." 

He rolled his eyes but he was smirking so I knew he was just playing. "Hurry up then."

I nodded before trotting over towards Adam, who smiled when he was close enough to hear me. I could feel Kai's stare on my back but I tried to shake it off. Adam was a good guy. Kai didn't need to worry about him.

"Hey." Adam wiggled his eyebrows as he looked over my shoulder. He must have spotted Kai's car and Kai sticking his head out of the open passenger door and I looked down quickly. "What's up? He's waiting, you know."

"I know." I pulled the gloves carefully off my hand and placed them in his, receiving a wide eyed look and several glances in Kai's direction.

"Don't you need them?" He asked suspiciously.

I shook my head. "I had a run in with Brett and Jessica before and Kai came to my rescue. He's a good guy, Adam. I had to tell him."

He swallowed and a suspicious look came across his face. "What happened?"

I gave him a bold smile and he relaxed slightly. I knew he was worried about me but there really was no need. Surely it was obvious that everything went okay if I was still getting a lift from him? "He believed me. I trust him."

Adam nodded slowly and then turned his gaze back to me, his eyes glinting. "Alright. Have fun. I'll see you tomorrow. I'll pick you up at 8."

"Oh, you don't have to I'm fine..." I held my hand out, trying to tell him that there was no need to and I was happy to walk to college.

However, he shook his head and grinned. "I don't care what you say, Megan. I might aswell pick you up as I'm driving past anyway. It's no trouble."

I opened my mouth to refuse again but he'd already turned around.

He called over his shoulder, "See you tomorrow!" and I smiled before turning back to Kai's car, meeting his weary expression. I licked my lips and shook my head knowingly as I got into the car and buckled myself in. 

I hadn't expected this year to turn out so well for me but I definitely wasn't complaining. I enjoyed the fact that I had Kai I could rely on. I liked the fact that Kai was being extra friendly to me. I had Adam as a friend andthey both understood my condition. Something had to go wrong sooner or later.

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