Chapter 26 - Like a Breath of Fresh Air

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The day continued that way, me questioning Kai's reactions.

I wasn't quite sure what was going on but I didn't like it.

I didn't like the fact that Kai knew Adam's secret, or, if he didn't, he had a good idea about it or had just guessed really well.

I mean, everyone had their secrets.

I didn't want to hangout with Kai but Kai wasn't giving me a choice. I was exhausted with all of the stress going on and I just wanted to relax for at least one night. I wanted to ask Kai if he could let me off for once as I was missing Adam's company and I'm sure he wasn't liking going home early, but I was afraid of what his reaction was going to be.

Kai was scarier than I'd first realised.

Why did I have to fall for the guy who was a gang leader? It just wasn't me.

Mind you, I never really fell for anyone. Jamie didn't count. I was so lonely when I liked Jamie and he was the only person who gave me positive attention so it was obvious that I was going to think that I felt something for him.

Now I realised that I never really liked Jamie. He was just pretty. I'd liked Kai and where had that got me? Now I was scared of leaving college every day because I knew what I would be doing.

PE was like a breath of fresh air. I didn't usually like PE but I knew that it was a class that me and Adam both had and I knew that Kai wasn't involved. That one fact brightened my day up and I longed to be there, away from Kai's grasp.

Once changed, I quickly made my way to the hall, shrugging my jumper down my hands. Since Kai had started making me help him, I'd slowly spiralled back to the way that I was before. I shrank away from contact even more obviously and panicked whenever someone came within a metre. I hated myself knowing that I'd allowed myself to do that but I couldn't help it. After seeing more than what I wanted to see, I was scared of contact once again.

I just hoped that the old woman wuld be able to help me. 

I wanted to find her but I didn't have a clue where to start looking. She was clearly homeless and could be anywhere. I doubted that she'd be in her original spots which I'd seen her in before because she seemed to like to move around quite a bit. It was going to take some time to find her, especially now that I was occupied after school every day.

Ms Cochran was her usual grumpy self to me and glared at me as she waited for people to shut up. I really didn't care. I was fed up with life and just wanted to be left alone.

I think she was just trying to punish me when she said that we were doing bench ball. Don't get me wrong, I liked the game, but I wasn't in the mood to be pushed into. Backetball and netball was enough for me. Bench ball seemed to be a hell of a lot more active. People seemed to like playing it a lot more than the other sports and so everyone was more energetic. I knew I was going to get bumped into a few times this lesson.

I thought about just asking to sit out but the look on Ms Cochran's face made me think better of it.

Strangely, the boys' group began coming over to us. We were usually separated because the girls were always so distracted when they got involved. However, I noticed the lack of teacher and realised that they didn't have a choice.

I was slightly glad as I saw Adam and Jamie walk over, chatting lightly. The contrast between them both was startling. They were so different but they still gave off the same breathtaking feelings. How could two people, so different in every feature, be just as attractive as each other?

As if sensing my gaze, Adam looked up and caught me watching him. I quickly put y head down. I didn't know what he was going to be like with me. I'd told him that I didn't know what was going on with Kai but, with the way Kai had kissed me so forcefully, it could have looked as if I had been lying.

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