Chapter 4 - They Always Want to Know Everything About Everyone

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The whole situation was so peculiar that I couldn't even process what was going on. 

I had a stranger in my house, who I'd just told everything to about my 'gift', who had given me a lift home, who was now staying for tea. Not to mention that he was a boy.

Out of everyone, I had expected to at least make friends with a girl from my class or someone from the lower years, not a boy who was older than me in the same year as me who drove to school.

Now he was staying for tea because I had forgotten to tell my mother otherwise.

This was going to be so embarrassing.

As we walked down the stairs, I was very aware of his presence behind me. It felt as if he was breathing down my spine and I shivered as I reached the last step, turning to go into the kitchen. My mum was still singing loudly, her mouth wide open, showing darkened teeth from too much coffee and a tongue which was much too bright.

I cringed as I picked up my plate and went into the living room, Adam quickly following. I didn’t even want to imagine what was going to come up in conversation. My mother liked to talk about herself far too much and I was sure that Adam didn’t want to hear about it.

                We sat on the sofa close together and I felt his body heat against my leg as he grinned and balanced the plate on his knee. My mum came in soon afterwards, after turning off the music, and slumped in the chair nearby, staring at Adam as if he was a trophy. I felt myself waiting for her to dig in.

“So, Adam, where do you come from?” My mum asked as she stuffed a big forkful of pasta into her mouth, chewing greedily.

I winced as Adam swallowed and looked from me to my mum. He was right: I was curious about him too. “Actually I came not far from here, about two hours up the coast. Me and my dad owned a garage and we used to spend all weekend building cars and motorbikes.”

I swallowed and watched his face as he looked down at his plate and picked up more pasta. At least I would find out more about him, considering as my mum certainly wanted to know. I had never brought someone round before so it was obvious that she was going to study him in as much detail as she could.

I wasn't exactly expecting to be friends with him after the interrogation.

“Did you like your school there?”

“It was alright. I pretty much keep to myself so I didn’t mind when we had to leave. Me and my dad travel around a lot.” He narrowed his gaze but before I could even register why, his features had smoothed out and he stuffed more food into his mouth. “The people around here are really nice. I’ve met some great people.” He glanced towards me and I blushed, bowing my head.

“Do you have a girlfriend?”



I dipped my head so far down that it was almost touching my plate whilst Adam spluttered, choking on pasta. My mother clearly didn’t remember being a teenager. Didn’t she realise that asking a boy if he had a girlfriend clearly indicated that she was wondering whether her daughter could go out with him? Obviously she didn’t. My face felt so red I thought I was going to explode.

“It’s fine.” Adam coughed after I rushed to the kitchen to get him a glass of water. He took a swig and then placed it on the table in front of him. “I don’t have one at the moment, no.” He quickly stuffed the rest of his pasta down so that he couldn’t answer another question. When he looked at me I mouthed ‘sorry’ and he smiled, showing that he was okay with it.

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