Chapter 32 - Safety Blanket

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I'm waiting until I need to go to my nans so I don't know if I'll finish this in time but hopefully it'll be done by the end of the day. I finished writing up my Criminal Notes! :D Happy Alex. Anyway.


It was a lot easier knowing that Adam was close by when I went to college. I hadn't realised how much I'd missed him until now. He was like a safety blanket. Even when Kai was close by he stuck near to me. He didn't seem bothered by the fact that people were looking at him oddly.

He refused to hang out with his friends even though I made it clear that he was fine to leave me on my own. They must have felt a bit put out by the fact that he'd let them to hang out with the freak but if that was what he wanted to do then I couldn't stop him.

Even Kai was surprised. He didn't say anything to me but I could see him staring at us at lunch, taking in the scene. I didn't directly look at him but I knew that he was there watching my every move. It was only a matter of time until he approached me and asked me if I could go to his house. 

Though I felt better about going due to my extended powers, I still didn't want to do it. I was putting off the inevitable but I couldn't help myself. I wanted to relax for once and I was finding it incredibly difficult due to my new exciting life with friends. 

It shocked me when, at lunch, Adam sat close to me, nudging my shoulder and smiling at me as if he knew a secret I didn't. He was so talkative compared to the times that I saw him with his friends that I almost forgot about our unwelcome visitor who was spying on us.


Within a few minutes, my face dropped as Kai casually plodded to stand in front of us. I could see Adam tensing slightly from the corner of my eye but I tried to ignore it as I looked up at Kai, squinting from the sun.

"Hey, beautiful." Kai purred and flopped to the floor on the other side of me, leaning towards my face. "Decided that you dont care about the rest of the population now, Adam?"

Adam coughed but kept his face straight as Kai cocked an eyebrow at him, smirking. "What do you mean?"

"Well." Kai leaned back on his elbows in the grass and winked at me, causing my stomach to turn uncomfortably. "You never hang out with Megan inside college. I was just wondering what made you change your mind? Did you fall out with them?" He threw his thumb backwards and I looked back to see Brett, Jessica, Grace and some other lads wandering across the grass, bellowing and laughing like idiots. 

"No. I just felt like a change." I felt Adam press his arm against mine and I couldn't help the slight smile that glittered onto my face.

Unfortunately, Kai caught it. He rolled his eyes and laughed humorlessly. "'ve got a 'thing.'" he twitched his fingers into speach marks in the air. "I get it. Well, you're going to struggle with that, aren't you? She can't touch you remember? Speaking of which..." He twisted in his position so that he could stare at me, his eyes dark and serious. I swallowed nervously as he studied my face. "I wanted to make sure you'd settled before I brought this up again and clearly you have so you need to help me again."

"What's your problem? Can't you just leave her alone?" Adam grunted as he pressed further against me to glare at Kai. I swallowed again and shrunk my head down slightly, not liking the fact that I was slap bang in the middle of the discussion with no way of escaping.

"Megan?" Kai spoke and I looked up at him. He had his head cocked to the side like a deranged child. "Gorgeous, you've not told him anything, have you?"

"Told me what?"

"Oh good." Kai clapped his hands together and I winced, flinching at Adam's side. "I'm glad you've kept this between us. Very smart. Listen, Megan, I need you to come to mine tonight-"

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