Chapter 35 - Like a Ghost

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Yes, I know I said that because it's summer I'll be able to update but I've been so busy and I just haven't had very many good ideas. 


He stuck to his word.

It frightened me half to death when I woke up and Adam was still lying next to me, his arm hanging over my waist, his face against my hair. His breath dusted my shoulders and created shivers which ran down my spine. He must have been exhausted because he was dead to the world when I woke up.

I was able to twist and look at him and take his relaxed face completely in before he opened his eyes and froze in place. He seemed as surprised as I was that he'd stayed the night and his eyes scanned me frantically to see if anything had changed. However, I cuddled myself into his chest and eventually he breathed out again, squeezing my arm gently in response.

I was glad that I was now able to control my gift. It made me feel like I could actually have a life, a life I had always wanted. Lying there with Adam proved the fact that I could share my life with someone and have contact without having to worry about the visions, so long as I kept practicing. 

Well if practicing counted as cuddling Adam then I would practice every minute if I could. 

"I have to go." He whispered as his lips pressed against my forehead. 

I immediately stopped the smile that was spreading across my face. I didn't want him to leave but I knew I had no choice. I couldn't just hold him prisoner. He was going to go home at some point whether I liked it or not.

He slowly shuffled out of my embrace and got up, shrugging on a shirt before I was able to take his whole image in. He didn't look too bad considering the amount of excitement we'd been through the night before. In fact, he looked almost as good as new, but that was probably because he'd just covered all of the bruises up. 

I sighed as he collected his stuff. I didn't even want to think about what he was going to face when he got back. I lifted myself up in bed as he came over and stroked my hair, giving me a soft smile. "I'll come and see you later to make sure that everything's okay." He murmured then turned to go.

Then I had a great idea.


Adam turned, cocking his head to the side in confusion as I scrambled out of bed and ran towards my wardrobe. "What?"

"Let me come with you."

I hardly heard his groan as I threw clothes everywhere to find something to wear. "Megan, you know you cant come with me. You know what he's like."

"Maybe he wont be like that if I'm there!" I exclaimed and turned to him with an arm full of clothes. "Please just let me come with you."

He looked torn, staring from me to the door, running his fingers through his hair messily. "I don't want him to hurt you, especially after yesterday. You need rest."

"So do you! Adam," I added as he began to open his mouth again, "I'm coming whether you like it or not. I'll tie myself to your arm if I have to."

We stared at each other for what seemed like forever.

The decision looked as if it was almost causing him pain. I knew he was cracking though. He didn't have much choice. I was going to follow him whether he wanted me to or not. I saw his body slump and my smile became wider as I shuffled towards the bathroom. "Please stay right there. If you leave I'll just follow you another time."

"You're ridiculous." He shook his head at me but he was smiling. I was off the hook. He wanted me to be there. If there was any chance that his dad wasn't going to attack him then he was going to take it.

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