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-Date: January 10th.-
-3 years later-

3 years ago, a girl wrote the story The Virus for fun and her friends liked the story, but now they were older and almost out of school.

"ASTRA GET YOU BUTT UP AND GET TO SCHOOL!" Astra jumped from her bed, her messy hair matted on her head as she got up and looked at the time.
"7:00?! CRAP IM GONNA BE LATE!!" Astra screams and get ready in a flash. Wearing a purple plaid shirt and black tank under with black pants and boots, she grabs her bag and runs out to her bright yellow car. "Cya later!" She yells to her dad and nana before she leaves for school.

"Boo my favorite song just came on!"Astra says as she parks the car at the school. She sighs but smiles as she grabs her books and bag then gets out of her car. While walking she thought 'Did I take my insulin this morning?' Thinking as she had forgot she checked the time. "7:30. I think I did...maybe that's why my stomach feels like it's on fire." She told herself with a small giggle.
"What are you talking about to yourself?" The voice called to her, a boy around her age smiled and waved. Koby was walking with Ro.They come up to Astra.
"Hey! Are we early or something?" Astra asks as she sees two more of her friends walk up.
"Nope. It's skip day and a lot of people stayed home." Ro smiles. "I dragged Koby here." Koby groans as he looked tired.
"Wait we could have stayed home!?" Maddy says as she frowns, not happy about being at school in the winter.
"Hah! Same Maddy." Astra giggles.
"Let's just get today over with." Damian smiles at the two best friends.
"Hopefully we get to do nothing!" Ro happily says as Koby smiles sweetly at her.

The five friends walk into the school, as they did every day for 2 years. The others had left the school or moved away, leaving Astra, Maddy and Damian with these two new friends. The crazy and hyper, Ro loved hanging with the girls and the calm and quiet, Koby loved being part of the group no matter what they did.

But will he love risking his life?

Madness-The Virus ReturnsWhere stories live. Discover now