:Entry 18:

90 7 3

-Date: January 14th-

"Their not here." Ryan frowns.
"Wait...what?" Astra looks around, for anything that would tell where their friends were.
"Did we hurt them people for no reason?" Ro asks and Damian punches a wall. Astra walks around and finds a set of keys.
"Keys?" Astra picks them up. "Truck keys, maybe." The others walk over to her.
"Someone must have dropped them." Ethan says.
"Wasn't there a truck in the front of the house?" Ryan asks.
"Should we go look?" Ro asks.
"It's possible that they got away and went there." Damian says and Astra nods. They leave the room with the keys.

-with Soul and the others-

Koby was still trying to break the chains, soon he had cuts on his wrists. Maddy tried to make him stop but he wouldn't. Nikki had somehow fell asleep during this and Soul tried to stay awake, but couldn't.

The door open woke Soul, he looks around and saw that Maddy and Koby was now asleep. Soul soon seen the tall man in front of him.

"Don't worry. I'm not here to hurt you." He said in a soft voice. Soul looks at him, his mask was covering his eyes but Soul could see the sweet smile he gave Soul. "My name's Luke Hunter. I'm here to help." Soul nods.
"Help the girls first please. They matter more." Soul says and that shocks Hunter but he does as told. Hunter breaks the chains off of Nikki and Maddy. They both woke up and shocked to see Hunter. Hunter then let Koby free, then Soul.
"Why are you helping us?" Koby asks.
"I hate what Luna is doing. I can't stand it anymore." Hunter sighs and noticed Soul's cut legs. "Can you walk?" Soul tried but fell on Hunter. "Don't worry. I'll carry you." Hunter picks Soul up and looks at the others. "Can you all walk?" They nod and stood up. Nikki yawns again and asks Koby to carry her, which he agrees too.
"What if our friends come?" Nikki says. Hunter drops the keys to the truck.
"They will find this and figure it out...hopefully." Hunter says, and walks out of the room. Watching out for Lee, Sage, or Steel. They all walk to a window and climbs through, luckily they were on the first floor. Hunter takes them to the truck and opens the back for them to climb in. They all sit in the huge back and wait.

-Back with main group-
-present time-

The five friends climb out a window and went to the truck. They open the back to find their friends and their savior all asleep.

"Their alive." Astra smiles.
"Yes!" Damian smiles and takes the keys from Astra. "Open in. We're taking this truck." They nod and climb in. Damian jumped into the driver seat and started it up.

On their way back Astra noticed Soul's breathing. It was slow and seemed to stop every once in a while. She decided to listen to his heart only be hear barely a beat.

"Guys!" Astra yells worried, it woke the sleeping ones.
"Astra!?" Maddy smiles then realized something was wrong by her friends face.
"Something is wrong with Soul!" Astra says. Hunter moves to listen to Soul's heart.
"He stopped breathing." Hunter says and Ryan tried to move closer but was stopped by Ethan. "He must have lost a lot of blood when Sage cut his legs...crap." Hunter growls to himself and tried to do start Soul's heart back by pushing on his chest.
"Hey Soul...come on don't die on us!" Ryan yells. "Your my best friend! Come on!" Ryan yells again.
"Ryan stop yelling." Ethan tries to calm him with help from Nikki but nothing was working.
"Soul! Please!" Ryan continues and let's his head fall. He hadn't noticed the tears. Hunter stops pushing on Soul's chest and listens closely to his heart.
"Wh-" Ro starts but was shut up by Hunter lifting his hand, he was listening for a heart beat.

No one saw Hunter's eyes when they widened.

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