:Entry 8:

112 9 2

-Date: January 11th-

Astra threw open the hospital doors and ran in, she waited for her friends.

"The heck Astra!" Ro screams at Astra when they finally get inside the hospital. Astra stays quiet.
"Why did you run here?" Koby asks.
"We could have went with them and they might hav-" Maddy says but was cut off by Damian.
"You ain't really gonna see if that guy is still here are you?" Damian stares at Astra.
"HEY!" Astra yells. They stare at her. "WE'RE HERE!"


"HEY! I DIDN'T GIVE UP GOING WITH THE ARMY FOR NOTHING!" Astra yells again. She waited a few minutes then started to yell again till she saw a guy walk out from around the corner.
"So you remembered..." He sounded quite shocked but then smirked. "Follow me. It's not safe out in the open."

After going to a room with him, the four was still quite confused by what he meant.

"My names Ethan by the way." The guy smiled.
"Astra." Astra said blankly.
"Koby and this is Ro." Koby said and pointed to Ro who waved slightly.
"Maddy." Maddy frowned at him.
"...Damian." Damian glared at Ethan.
"Beautiful names!" A girl said, it was Nikki.
"This is Nikki, and that's Sane, Ryan and Soul." Ethan pointed to each one as he said their names.
"You all stayed behind?" Ro asked.
"Not stay... We was left." Soul says.
"Left?" Koby looked confused.
"Who would want to stay with crazy people?" Sane says, she was sitting in her chair. "Unless your crazy yourself."

The five friends sat on the couch while the insane five stayed on their side. It was quiet.

"This was a horrible idea Astra." Ro frowns.
"Don't blame her. I'm the one who asked her to come back." Ethan smirked. Koby glares at him. Soul and Ryan was staring at Maddy and Astra. The room went quiet again.
"Why were you guys in here?" Koby asks to change the subject.
"Friends thought I was insane..."Ethan says and looks out the window. "Only because I thought I could help fix things with medicine."
"Insane because I was gave away and left on the streets." Sane frowns and looks down. "I only wanted a friend but people ran when they saw me."
"I broke things..." Nikki frowns and looks at Sane. "I hurt my mother and friends."
"Suicidal..." Soul rubs the bandages on his wrists and arms. "No one loved me...my dad killed my mother and I was left with my grandmother...then she died. Everyone around me died.." Ryan stayed quiet and wiped Soul's tears away. They all looked sad.
"Ryan was born armless and when they found him he wouldn't talk or anything...so they sewed his mouth shut." Ethan says and balled his fists.

The five teens stared. They didn't know what to say. Suddenly they jumped when they heard a noise outside.

"The heck was that?" Koby asks as he grabbed onto Ro. Ethan chuckled coldly.

"Welcome...to madness everyone." Ethan's eyes widen with anger and fear.

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