:Entry 45:

44 1 0

-Date: January 23rd-

"SAM!" Neo yelled.
"I'm fine! Just get her!" Sam yelled back, looking at them with one eye missing. Astra notices Luna trying to leave, so Astra quickly ran and tackled her. Even with a broken arm Astra took Luna to the ground. Maddy and Nikki ran to help make sure Luna stayed in the ground.
"Let me go!" Luna yells. "Someone! Please help me!"
"No one is left Luna. We won." Astra says.
"Not yet. Neo...you should be the one to kill her." Elliot says. They look at Astra, knowing she will not like the idea of him killing her cousin.
"Neo." Astra starts. "It's up to you. After seeing what she had done to you and everyone else..." Astra growled.
"I won't kill her." Neo says. "I'll do one worse..." Luna looked terrified.
"And what's that?" Luna asks.
"You're going out like Sage and Steel." Neo says, everyone looks at him. "We're going to break your arm and let you go out into the woods with nothing. You ain't going to come back here or your going to get shot in the head. I'll make sure I'll be the one to do it."
"Neo...wh-" Luna starts but gets shut up by Astra.
"Good thinking Neo. Who's gonna break her arm?" Astra smiles innocently.
"Let us." Nikki and Soul says together.

After letting Soul and Nikki break her arm, plus some beating from Damian and Maddy, they let her out. She turned back with a look of regret and sorriness, but they didn't believe it. They went back inside, leaving her to rot outside.

"Hunter, Ethan. What now?" Astra asks them. Ryan looks at him, his mouth still sewn. Soul grabs a knife and cuts the stitches so Ryan can talk again.
"Ethan..." Ryan sighs. Ethan smiles and hugs Ryan
"D...don't...worry." Ethan says. "We...will be...okay." Ethan let's go and grabs Hunter shoulder.
"We g-got this..." Hunter stutters, being able to talk without a tounge was odd to him.
"You're going outside?" Nikki asks. They shook their heads.
"What's going to happen then?" Maddy asks. "Stay you'll be safe here."
"Maddy, they can't." Soul says. "They could forget and attack us without meaning too."
"We a-are...going t-to leave...pea-peacefully." Ethan says.
"With Z-Blood?"Damian asks. They nod and turn to Sam, who now was wearing an eye patch.
"Happy to help." Sam smiles and leads them to his room.
"Bye! We love you!" Nikki yells to Ethan, who turns back with a smile. Hunter smiles. They disappeared into the room.
"Now just to clean up the dad bodies and find my insulin and other stuff!" Astra says.
"Sam probably has everything." Neo smiles.
"Time to catch up, brother!" Elliot smiles and hugs his brother.
"I missed you too, Elliot."

The group cleaned the bodies from the room, Sam came back without Hunter and Ethan. He told them that they left to die in the woods, peacefully. They smiled and some had tears in their eyes. Sam also brought Astra her insulin and other stuff she head lost to Lee. Maddy and Soul went to find Lee's room to "clean" the room. After all the "cleaning" they happily sat down and talked.

"What now..." Soul asks, his right arm lazily around Maddy.
"There is no chances that the army will be back anytime soon." Damian sighs.
"I'm almost out of insulin." Astra sighs and leans on Ryan, who hugs her tightly with his one arm.
"With broken leg and arm, we can't do much..." Ryan looks at Astra.
"And to think...this all happened in a few weeks." Brandon smiles while petting Kiba.
"A few weeks. No way." Elliot says while Sir Harry flies around Neo.
"And to think...this would have been different if Astra didn't run back to us." Nikki says.
"Don't make me think that. Sane and Ethan would probably still be alive....same with Koby and Ro." Astra frowns.
"But we would still be working for Luna." Sam says.
"I wouldn't have been able to find Elliot." Neo smiles.
"We would have died in that asylum." Soul says.
"Because you guess ran back, we asylum kids found love." Ryan blushes.
"Awww." Astra and Maddy says, while Damian smiles at Nikki.

"Hey Astra." Nikki sudden asks.
"Yeah. What's up?" Astra looks at her.
"What's this book?" Nikki holds up a book that looks old.
"Let me see." Astra says and takes the book Nikki was holding. "Oh it's my book I wrote years ago!"
"Really? Can I read it!" Nikki smiles and Damian blushes.
"NO!" Damian says but Astra, of course, didn't listen and gave the book back to Nikki. "ASTRA NO"
"ASTRA YES." Astra laughs and Ryan smiles.
"What was that book?" Soul asks. Astra smiles at Maddy, who starts to laugh. Astra turns back to Soul and says:

"The Virus"

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