:Entry 26:

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-Date: January 16th-

"They are coming!" A girl screamed. She ran from monsters.

"This sucks." Astra says and yawns as Damian and Maddy looks at her. They was watching a video on a random phone they had found.
"Zombie videos usually are." Damian says. The phone dies after the video. Astra sighs and leans back.
"Should we go back?" Astra asks.
"I don't care." Maddy says and Damian takes the phone.

The three of them stayed in the room till they fell asleep, while the others stayed in the main hall. Koby and Ro was cuddling while Nikki, Ryan and Soul was talking. Ethan fell asleep on Hunter while they was sitting and talking about what's gonna happened. Brandon left as he figured he's done enough for them, maybe he would met them again.

"Do you have a crush?" Nikki randomly asked her two friends.
"I do." Ryan smiles, and thinks about his crush.
"Ryan stop." Soul laughs, which caused Ryan and Nikki to laugh with. After Ryan had quit laughing he thought of something.
"Do you guys remember when we first came to the hospital?" Ryan asks and Soul and Nikki nodded.
"Jeez that felt like it was just yesterday." Soul says and Nikki nodded.

->years before<-

Soul was sitting on the couch with Ethan and Sane, he was new and Sane was staring at him. Ethan however was trying to talk to him.

"Why are you here? You're so young." Ethan had said to Soul. Soul hid behind a lamp.
"Go in!" A doctor had pushed another person inside, then another. Two new people was in the room with Soul, Sane and Ethan. The girl got up and hid quickly, while the guy sat up and stared at Ethan.
"Hi." Ethan says with a smile, Sane frowns and points to Ryan's bandaged mouth. "Can't talk?" Sane then got up and took the bandages off of Ryan's mouth, it was sewn.
"Dang." Sane says and Soul frowned. He walked over to Ryan and looked at the armless boy.
"My names Soul." Soul smiles and looked at Ryan's name tag. "Ryan." Soul smiles brighter and Ryan showed a slight smile.
"Nikki." Nikki had said in a low voice, everyone looked at her and smiled.
"Welcome to Madness, my fellow friends. Names Ethan and this is Sane." Ethan smiles and Sane waves.


"Dang...that felt like years." Ryan says. He touched his lips then his metal arms.
"Y-yeah..." Nikki says, her voice cracking. Soul rubbed his head through her hair. Ryan looks over at Ethan.
"Can some one make a time machine?" Soul asks. Ryan smiles.
"I wouldn't go back." Ryan says and Soul and Nikki looks at him.
"Why?" They asked.
"Then we wouldn't have met the others who saved us from that madness." Ryan smiles. Soul then thought of something.

"That place that took us. Did you see any medicine?" Soul asks.

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