:Entry 1:

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-Date: January 10th-

The first few minutes of the said school day was boring for the five friends. Not a lot of people came to school today since it was 'skip day'.

"School sucks!" Ro says as her and Astra went to homeroom.
"Shut it, Ro. We get it." Astra giggles. Ro hits Astra with her hip. "Ow." They walk to the room, it was only the two of them in this room.
"Well then." Ro sighs and sits in her seat with Astra following behind her.
"No one is here." Astra frowns and pulls her art book out of her bag. Ro threw a pen into the air and tried to catch it but fails and it falls behind her.

Soon the first bell rings for them to go to first block, math. The two gets up and walks to the class, to find Maddy, Damian and Koby by the math classroom door.

"What are you guys doing here?" Astra asks as she looks at Koby and Damian, who was in a different class at this time.
"A teacher told us to come here." Koby says as he moves quickly to stand near Ro.
"Not enough kids for have a full class, I guess." Damian sighs as he holds the door open for the others.

Inside the class was a few more students, maybe around ten. The five friends look at each other and sit together at a table.

"Understandable that the population of students in this room is ones who care about their grade." Koby says.
"Don't start sounding smart, Kitten." Astra says to a blushing Koby.
"Don't call me Kitten." He frowns, his ears turning a light pink from embarrassment. Ro laughed at the nickname.
"So what are we gonna do in this class?" Maddy asks after Ro stopped laughing.
"No idea honestly." Damian says as he leans back in his chair.
"Hopefully nothing." Koby says. They continue to talk while Astra zoned out.

'I'm really hungry. Should have ate more for breakfast....then I would have taken more insulin. That wouldn't have been too bad...unless my blood sugar goes crazy.' Astra sighs quietly, not getting the attention of her friends. She grabbed her bag and jumped when a book fell out. She picked it up and smirked at the cover.

'The Virus'

Her story from three years ago. She must of picked it up instead of her other one.

"Hey guys." Astra smiles getting the attention of her friends. They look at her as she holds up the book. "Remember this?"
"Oh. I loved that book!" Damian smiles and Maddy smiles kindly.
"The Virus? A zombie book? Neat." Ro smiles.

An hour has passed and the math teacher wasn't there, the students stayed where they were and stayed quiet. The five friends started getting bored.

"Where's the teacher?" Ro asked.
"And for the hundredth time...We don't know." Maddy says to Ro, who was starting to get annoying with her comment.

Suddenly a loud noise came from the hall. Everyone in the room turned and looked at the door. The students started to murmur the worst thoughts.

"Is there a murderer?"
"What's going on?"
"Is there even a teacher here today?"
"Where's my pencil!?"

They asked each other the questions and waited to see if anyone will come in. The door handle jiggled a little before the door came open. There stood the most horrifying thing that students could think of...

The science teacher with a dark face from a explosion from the lab.

"You all can go home, schools canceled." Mrs. Crane sighs and walks out of the room. Everyone gathered their books and left.

The five friends walks out to the front of the school.

"You guys wanna come by my house later?" Ro asks.
"Sure." Maddy says and Koby nods.
"Okay." Astra smiles and Damian shrugs a sure.
"Cool!! We can have a sleepover!" Ro smiles.
"How does your parents let you have guys over?" Astra asks and Ro giggles.
"I have no idea." Ro smiles and jumps onto Koby's back. "Carry me to my car, kitten!"
"Why did you do this Astra." Koby frowns and carries Ro on his back.
"Don't blame me, kitten." Astra laughs and ruffles Koby's hair. "Cya later guys!" Astra waves as she walks to her car.
"Bye!" Ro and Maddy says together.
"Cya." Koby smiles and Damian waves.

When Astra gets in her car, she turns it on and smiles as 'Iris by goo goo dolls' started playing. She drives home to get some pjs and other things for Ro's sleepover.

'What's the worst that could happen at a sleepover? A zombie apocalypse?' Astra laughs at that thought.

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