:Entry 43:

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-Date: January 23rd-

A few minutes pass, Lee still sitting on the floor while his hand is by his rotting sister. Maddy sat in a chair on the other side of the room, waiting on Lee to do what she had asked.

"No." Lee says without knowing what Maddy was about to say.
"I won't regret killing you." Maddy says.
"Understandable." Lee says and looks at his sister. "How did you know she was my sister?"
"We have a inside job." Maddy leans forwards. "Ever heard of the little birdie named Neo?"
"Of course." Lee sighs. "How did she die? Who killed her."
"Not telling." Maddy laughs. "Let's just say...it wasn't me."
"It was that little runt wasn't it. Should have killed him." Lee groans, he was talking about Soul.
"Because of your stupidity you don't get a fun death." Maddy laughs.
"Was that a quote from someone?" Lee asks.
"My friend used to say it. She got it from something." Maddy comments.

-Few hours before-

Soul sat behind a table waiting on the girl to appear. Elliot had contacted Neo and got some information about Lee and his family. Neo had told about a girl similar to Astra, but with shorter hair and pink bangs. Nova was her name and she stood out, her hair was shaved in the sides and she looked quiet small. Soul thought he could easily kill her. She yawned and went to her room, where Soul followed. The others stayed behind. Luckily for Soul, she sleeps in the same room as Lee. Once she laid down to sleep, Soul slipped into the room unnoticed. Soul killed her quickly and quietly, injecting her with Z-Blood while she slept.


Maddy and Lee sat quietly. Maddy knew what Soul did to Nova, and in a few minutes she will turn and attack Lee. Being chained to a zombie wouldn't be a fun death. Lee started to get mad and grabbed the knife on his table. Maddy was hopping he would cut his own wrist, but he waited.

"I can't..." Lee whispered. "Is this really how I'm gonna die?" His eyes widen as he looks at his sister.
"Hurry and make your pick. Die next to your sister or be killed by me." Maddy says and grabs her shotgun from the floor. Lee looks at her, knowing this was the end.
"No point in waiting for her to change." Lee sighs and stabs his sister in the head so she won't turn. "At least you could have made this less hard."
"You all wouldn't be dead if you didn't follow that demon." Maddy growls.
"She's...our friend....or so we thought..." Lee sighs and cuts his wrist. Deeper and deeper the more blood drips onto the floor. The metallic smell made Maddy sneeze, she still hadn't got used to the smell of other people's blood. "Never thought I'd cut my own hand off." Lee says as the pain started to get to him, tears rolled down his cheeks. He fell to the ground again from the pain. Lee looks over at Maddy, her shotgun in hand.
"None of this should have happened." Maddy says and aims her shotgun. Shooting Lee in the legs, so he couldn't walk. She smirked and walked to the door.
"Wait! You're leaving me here?! Kill me!!" Lee yells as Maddy closes the door.
"Die a slow death you trash." Maddy says and starts back to her friends.
"COME BACK AND KILL ME." She could hear Lee's cries as she makes it back to her friends.
"Bleeding to death? Good choice." Damian smiles.
"More like turn into a crawling zombie." Maddy smiles back.
"Now what?" Brandon asks.
"Find Astra, Neo, Ethan and Hunter...and Ryan." Elliot says. The others nods.

-With Astra, Hunter and Ethan-

"We need to find Neo and Fast." Astra says, she got Ethan some wraps so he could somewhat fix her broken arm. "Also thanks Ethan." Ethan nods and gives a bloody smile. "Still creepy." She giggles. Hunter and Ethan smiles softly. They start to walk to Neo's room until they hear a sound of crying and mumbled sounds. Ethan stops and turns towards the door, which makes Hunter and Astra stop. "Ethan?" Ethan tries to say something but it doesn't come out.
"O....pe...n" Astra watches as Ethan tries to open the door. The door was locked and Ethan couldn't open it. Astra walks over and unlocks the door and opens it for Ethan. The three looks in and sees a person they wasn't expecting to see.

"RYAN?!" Astra yells and Hunter and Ethan stares with wide eyes, or lack there of. Ryan looks up with tears in his wide eyes.

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