:Entry 46:

48 1 0

-Date: December 10th-

The icy world froze the grass and the rain seemed to mist over and freeze the roads. The zombies didn't mind the frozen world, they walked around the frozen bodies and cars that hadn't been turned on in months. Humans that were left died from the cold or lack of food. Except the group, who had started to live in the house that Luna once had. The place had heat, food for a year, and insulin for Astra...but now the insulin and food was running low. They waited for any signs of the army coming back.

Inside the house the group hung around each other, staying with partners and trying to keep any food that they could save. Most of it was fine but some was out of date.

"Is this okay?" Nikki asks while holding a can of peas.
"Pretty sure it is." Damian says while reading the date. "Yup still in date. Good job, baby." Damian smiles and kisses Nikki on the forehead. Nikki just smiles and continue looking at the cans.
"Grosssss get a room." Astra laughs, Ryan right beside her.
"Astra. Why are you like this?" Ryan asks while carrying heavy furniture from a room, a while back Damian had fixed Ryan's arms and made them better and stronger.
"Oi. You love me just the way I am." Astra smirks knowing Ryan can't fight back against her.
"Your right but I can always take away your human heater." Ryan smirks.
"You wouldn't dare..." Astra says. She stands up from what she was doing.
"Oh I would." Ryan smirks while still holding the piece of furniture over his head.
"Fine. No kisses." Astra says and turns away sassily and with her arms crossed.
"Nuuu. I'm sorry." Ryan frowns. Astra smirks knowing she had won. She turns back around and kisses his cheek, which makes him blush. "Yay. Hugs later!"
"Just hurry up with the furniture and help me with this." Astra laughs and goes back to sorting through medicine. Soul and Maddy walked through the door with a bag of clothes and other stuff that was useful.
"Got some medicine, shirts, hoodies and Kiba found dog treats that ain't dog treats."  Soul says and Kiba walks in with a bag of.... something that stunk.
"Yay. Kiba why." Astra sighs and takes the bag away. Kiba runs off.
"KIBA!" Brandon yells and runs after the wolf. Sir Harry soon comes flying down with Elliot and Neo right behind the owl.
"HOOT HOOT" Elliot yells and Neo sighs.
"This is my brother everyone." Neo smiles. Sam slowly hides in the hallway as Elliot runs around.
"Who gave him drugs?!" Sam asks.
"Wait WHAT?! DRUGS?!" Neo screams and grabs Sam's shoulders. "Why do you have drugs?!"
"Medical drugs! To help with headaches." Sam says.
"I'm not on drugs." Elliot says. "I'm just crazy." Elliot smiles as Sam and Neo sighs.

Astra and Maddy laughs. Damian sighs and walks over to the two girls.

"To think this all started because Astra ran back." Damian laughs.
"Boy. Why bro." Astra smiles. "Don't make me think about that."
"Still think it's your fault?" Maddy asks.
"Nah. I'm happy WE ran back." Astra smirks. Maddy and Damian smiles back.

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