:Entry 40:

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-Date: January 22nd-

The seven friends stayed outside, waiting for the right time to enter. They watched as new humans walk in with zombies on chains. One of the zombies was Ro.

"RO?!" Maddy and Damian whisper screamed.
"Guys shut up." Nikki says and glares towards the house.
"Ro is this least of our worries." Ryan says. "We need to get Astra and the others." Kiba barks to agree with Ryan.
"We need to wait until dark. We can get in without being seen." Damian says and Soul agrees.
"The darkness with hide us." Soul says.
"That sounded stupid." Elliot says and Soul frowns.
"You sound stupid." Soul says. Sir Harry hoots to agree with Soul.
"SIR HARRY!" Elliot frowns.

-Back in the Death Room-

Astra tried to scream but her voice was gone from screaming. She finally gave up and fell to the floor, she had given up. She was gonna die in this room with two decaying bodies, two of her friends.

"Can't believe this is how I'm gonna die...Without even living a full life? Wow..." Astra sighs and looks at the hammer near Ethan and Hunter. "Lee you suck...and I hope you die from Sir Harry poking your eyes out." Astra coughs. "Wonder what I'm gonna die from...diabetes or Lee bashing my head into the wall....I hope neither."

Few minutes later Lee walks into the room, with tools. Astra stared, not shocked by this because of what he has done to Ethan. Lee closes the door and watches as Astra walks away from him and the door.

"Scared?" Lee laughs.
"This isn't scarier than being locked in a room with a clown. Oh wait I'm not scared of clowns." Astra says.
"Does that mean you're not scared of me?" Lee asks.
"I wouldn't say that." Astra smirks. Lee walked closer to her and glared at her. Touching her chin with his hand didn't phase her.
"You should be...I mean do you not see what I did to your friends?" Lee smirks.
"I see and I'm mad about that. So..." Astra spits in his face, which makes him back away a step. She takes this chance to kick him in the crotch again.
"You stupid girl." Lee holds his crotch and grabs a bat. "Now I won't go easy..." He swings the bat at her head. With a thud she fell to the ground, her head throbbing from the hit. "Idiot." He swings again and hits her arm, hearing a crack made her worried. Her arm was broken from the bat. Lee continued to hit her with the bat until he was called by Luna.

"Yup that will leave a bruise." Astra says while laying on the ground, her head bleeding and her right arm broken. She looks over at Hunter and Ethan again. "I wish you two would come back and eat him alive..." She laughs and passed out.

An hour later, Astra woke from something dripping on her. It was water from the ceiling. She sighs as the door opens and Lee walks in with his bat.

"Hello Astra." Lee smirks and closes the door. "Ready for another round of fun?" Lee steps closer to Astra, making her hit her back on a wall.
"Nah." Astra says as she sees the two bodies start to move. She started to get scared as they get up and glare at Lee, or one of them did. They grunted and Lee turned to face them.
"Huh?! How?!" Lee drops the bat and Astra moves out of his way. Falling to the floor and hurting her already broken arm.
"OW!" Astra yelled and the two newly turned zombies look at her, then at Lee. The zombie, who was once Ethan, grabbed the bat and swings to towards Lee. Missing but it made Lee move towards the other zombie, the bigger and meaner one, Hunter. Hunter grabs Lee by the head and slams his head into the wall, hearing nothing but dripping of blood and screams...Hunter continued until Lee was out like a light. Both zombies then moved towards Astra.
"Wait! No! I don't wanna be a zombie!" Astra had started crying now and they both bent down to her. Ethan, still having his fingers, wiped her tears away. "No way..." Astra stares at them. They both smiled, or at least tried. Both dead and both watching her. "H-Hunter....? Ethan?" Astra stares and both nod. "No way. Wait are you two zombies?!" She screamed and they both nod again. "Why ain't you guys eating me? or attacking me?" The walking corpse of Ethan mumbles up a laugh but shrugs. "So you two are good zombies?" They nod. "This is actually totally crazy."

'We will protect her.'They both think as they get up once again and helping Astra up. Ethan points to the door as Hunter breaks it down with one kick. Ethan lead the way out of the room, with Astra in the middle of him and Hunter they try to find a way to Neo.

'Two zombies helping me? Did the z-blood work? But how?' Astra thought as she stared at Ethan's mangled head, remembering how Lee had told her that he bashed his head in. Then she looked at Hunter, who's eye sockets was still bleeding and his fingers missing. They both still doing their jobs as protectors. 'They never finished their job of helping me get Neo out. Is the Z-blood giving them this chance to finish the job?'Astra sighed but smiled.

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