:Final Entry:

88 3 1

-Date: December 10th-

The group finally finished cleaning the food and the medical stuff. The group sits around and continue to talk. Elliot and Neo standing by the radio.

"The army has been sending messages to see if anyone needs help or saving. If anyone is out there send a message. We will come looking." The radio says. The group stares.

"We need fireworks." Soul says. Damian jumps up and runs to a room, with Ryan and Elliot following behind him.
"ON IT!!" Damian yells from the other room.
"Are we really gonna be saved?" Nikki asks.
"Seems like it!" Maddy smiles brightly. Kiba barking happily and jumps around.

Damian, Elliot, and Ryan had found fireworks earlier that year, so happily they saved them.

"Awesome! Let's go to the roof to shoot them!" Astra says with a smile. They nod and head up. The three set the fireworks to go off, it was night so the army should see them. Good thing the roof was slightly gone and they could chill inside the attic, instead of getting on the sloped roof.
"Now we wait." Ryan says while climbing back into the attic with Elliot. "Damian is setting them off."


Damian jumps into the attic when the first firework went off. Everyone smiles and watches the fireworks.

"How long should it take?" Brandon asks.
"Who knows." Neo says.

-Couple days later.-

The noises of cars and guns could be heard from outside. The group was shocked to hear the noises. Sam ran to the window and saw the army.

"It's the army!" Sam smiles and runs to the group.
"We're saved!!" Astra yells and hugs Nikki, who had covered her mouth from happiness.
"Yes!" Maddy smiles and hugs Soul.

The army enters the house and finds the group and tells them what had happened. The army was shocked to hear that a group of teens survived this long. Astra had told them that she was a diabetic and if they could help her.

The army took the happy group back to the trucks and trailers. They took the food and medical stuff.

"Where are we going?" Brandon asks.
"A safe place. It's beautiful and nice." One guy says with a smile. "It's a city called Collingwood."
"Wow." Maddy says.
"You'll be safe there." The man says again.

The man drive the group to their new home, where they live until the zombies all die out. Brandon didn't like the idea of going to a city so he asks to be left behind, leaving Kiba with Astra and Maddy. The group stares confused by him but decided to let him leave, it was his choice after all.

The city had a wall around it. Big beautiful brick wall that protected them from the zombies infected world. Finally a place where the group can live knowing that everyday they don't have to worry about losing someone dear to them. The doctors at the city was looking for someone to test the new diabetes cure in, Astra happily agreed and they tested it in her. Her friends worried but then excited when Astra came back cured.

"Now what?" Elliot asks.
"Don't know..." Damian says. They stare at each other wondering.

-20 years later-

Madness-The Virus ReturnsWhere stories live. Discover now