:Entry 38:

57 4 0

-Date: January 21st-

Neo sat in his small lonely room while the outside world dies. He worried about his brother and his family, his old friends who are probably died by now. Luna hadn't told him anything about what was happening or why. Only that she needs his blood. Sage and Steel were killed by Luna for some reason.

"NEO! You have a new friend!" Lee had yelled and threw the door opened. He was holding a girl with brown hair and brown eyes. Neo jumped.
"LET ME GO!" The girl yelled. Lee laughed and threw her into the room with Neo.
"There we go. Good luck without your insulin." Lee says and closes and locks the door. The girl got up and started beating on the door.
"WHERE IS MY FRIENDS?!" She yells. Neo looks at her and gets up from his bed.
"Hello." Neo says and the girl turns.
"Hi..." She says and sighs. "Wait...He called you Neo."
"That's my name..." Neo says with a slight smile.
"You're Elliot's brother." She smiles. "Name's Astra."
"You know my brother?! Is he okay?" Neo smiles.
"He's worried about you." Astra says and the lights flickered.
"What is the time?" Neo wondered.
"It's getting night." Astra says. "It started to get dark when me and my friends got here."
"Friends? Who was they?" Neo sat on the only bed.
"One of them was from here. His name was Hunter." Astra smiles and sits beside Neo. "Then the other one was from an asylum. His name is Ethan."
"Hunter...I don't remember him." Neo smiles.

The two chatted until the lights went out, it scared Astra at first then she looked at Neo. Neo sighed and got off the bed.

"The 'queen' wants us to sleep...have the bed." Neo smiles sadly.
"Oh..tch Luna thinks she can control us?" Astra mumbled and laid down.

Few hours later Astra looks off the side of the bed to see Neo awake on the floor. Astra pokes his face.

"Need something?" Neo asks. He had took his glasses off and is now looking up at Astra, who's dark brown hair hanging in her face.
"You look uncomfortable. Come up here." Astra says and Neo blushes lightly.
"But you're a girl!" Neo says and Astra laughs.
"Dork. Come up here." Astra moves over for Neo. Neo sighs and gets on the bed. His blush darkens. "I can see your blush from here."
"Shut it..." Neo says and looks at her.
"I can't believe you and Elliot are brothers." Astra smiles. Neo sighs.
"I know right. He's a chick magnet and I'm a geek." Neo frowns. "He would always get the girls and I'd always get their homework..."
"I just met you and I think you're nice." Astra smiles. She turns and lays her head on Neo's arm.
"Tomorrow they are gonna get more of my blood.." Neo frowns and Astra growls.
"Tomorrow my family will come and save us. Hopefully." Astra smiles and Neo looks at her.
"Family?" Neo asks but no answer came. "Astra?" Neo then noticed she was asleep. Neo smiles and looks at the ceiling. He listened to the screams of someone. They was screaming a name.


-A different room in the house.-
-With Hunter and Ethan.-

"ETHAN!" Hunter yelled from the other side of the room. Ethan was laying on the floor, blood gushing from the open wound that was created by Lee. Ethan looks at Hunter with eyes full of tears.
"Hunter take care of them...please..." Ethan says right before Lee swings the hammer down on Ethan's head.

Lee repeated the act over and over again on Ethan's head. Blood and pieces of skull and brain went all over the floor. All while Hunter watched, helplessly. Lee laughs and drops the hammer onto the floor. Lee leaves and locks the door behind him. Hunter stared at Ethan's body.

"Lee did this...HE killed Ethan..." Hunter grabbed the hammer and looked at it. "And I did nothing..." Hunter started crying. "I promised Ethan that I wouldn't let anyone else die...I failed so many times..." Hunter wiped his tears away and rubbed Ethan's hand with his thumb. "I'm sorry Ethan...So sorry..." Hunter says as he falls asleep next to Ethan, who he had grown attached to.

Hours later Lee had appeared once again inside of the room. Needle and knife in each hand, he walked to Hunter. Hunter, being asleep, never heard Lee coming in. He only woke up when it was too late...

Lee took the needle and stabbed it into Hunter's neck. Hunter yells and screams for help, but his only help was dead. The needle filed with Z-blood was pushed further into Hunter's neck. Lee then took the knife and stabbed it into Hunter's eye. The pain was unbearable for Hunter, but his screams was still loud enough to be heard from the outside. Hunter tried to stop Lee but couldn't. Hunter's eyes was ripped out and tossed to the side, Lee then cut Hunter's tongue and fingers. After Lee was finished with his 'job', he leaves the room. Hunter was left to die a slow death.

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