Ch. 98: Support

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You had stayed with Mark for a few days after that, and it had been very relaxing. You hung out, watched tv, and helped Mark record his videos. Dark and Wilford were both living in the attic and you went to visit them every evening. Or well, you visited Dark, who always immediatly sent Wilford away so he could hang out with you alone. Ellen had taken Google to her house to try and reprogramme him. Dark had apperantly given up on trying to defeat Mark since he proposed to you. He now mostly sat silently in the corner of the attic and only came out to talk to you.

Mark was just teaching you how to edit videos, when you suddenly got a phone call. "Hello, this is Y/N?" You said, curious to who was calling you, since it was an anonymous number. "Hello, this is Jonathan! Come to the hospital, quickly!" You heard a familiar voice say. He sounded stressed, but before you could ask what was going on, Jonathan had turned his phone off. You looked over at Mark, who was staring at you. "We need to go to the hospital!" You said. Mark just nodded before he grabbed your hand and you two ran to his car.

Ten minutes later you arrived at the hospital. You ran inside and saw Jonathan immediatly running towards you. He hugged you tightly and when he pulled back, he grabbed your shoulders. "Y/N, thank god you're here! Loryn has gone into labor!" He yelled in your face. You looked at him, stressed and confused. "What? We literally only found out she was pregnant a few days ago!" You said. "Yes, but we're from a different dimension remember? Time passes differently inside an elf body or something... DOES IT MATTER?! I'M ABOUT TO BECOME A DAD!" Jonathan yelled. Mark smiled at him. "That's wonderful, isn't it? Stop stressing and start celebrating!" He said. Jonathan took a deep breath, but you could see he was still really stressed. You put your hands on his arms. "I understand you're stressed, and I'm pretty sure that's normal... but you have to remember that within now and a few hours you'll have a beautiful son or daughter to hold in your hands, and everything will be okay..." you said, and Jonathan smiled nervously. "Thanks Y/N..."

About four hours later you, Mark and Jonathan were still waiting for someone to call you into the room where Loryn was. Not even Jonathan was allowed to be there, since it was known in the hospital that Loryn wasn't an ordinary human, but an elf. Creatures from fairytales turned out to be more common in the normal world than you had thought. And elf births go a little differently from normal births. Jonathan was nervously tapping his feet as you and Mark tried to comfort him. All of a sudden a door opened and a nurse walked in. "Jonathan William Hook and his friends are now allowed to come in." She said, gesturing for you three to come in. Jonathan practically ran past her to get into the room, with you and Mark following him, and what you saw had to be the prettiest thing you had ever seen. Loryn was laying on the bed, she looked tired, but happy. Happier than you'd ever seen her. And in her arms was a little bundle of towels, with a small head poking out of them. Loryn smiled at you and gave her husband a passionate kiss as he walked over to her. "Hey Y/N." She said, gesturing for you and Mark to come over and look at her child. You walked over and looked at the little thing in Loryn's arms. And it looked right back at you. It had bright blue eyes, like it's mother, and it's fathers raven black hair. "It's a girl..." Jonathan smiled happily, tears in his eyes. "And her name..." Loryn said,

"is Y/N."

Awww Loryn and Jonathan named their first child after you! Ain't that cute?

No it ain't. Babies are stupid.
Yeah that's really my opinion, not just in the book.

But okay yes the name thing is cute.

Love, Ellen XD

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