Ch. 54: The Companionship of the Flame

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I put some not-too-extreme music here, because the chapter isn't that extreme either XD

So it was decided. You, Jonathan, Loryn, Jupiter, Charlie, and Rebecca were going to find the Flame to save your friends from Las Islas de los Muertos.
The next morning you woke up after having had a wonderful dream, about marrying Mark. Or was it Dark? You had no idea, it hadn't lasted long, because a moment later you woke up. You went outside, to the platform you had dinner on last night. Rebecca was already there, eating what looked like her breakfast: it was a huge piece of meat, but she seemed to enjoy it. The boys hadn't woken up yet, and it seemed like Loryn hadn't either. You walked over to Rebecca, who had almost finished her... breakfast... and went to sit next to her. "Good morning Rebecca" you say. "Mornin' Y/N."
"How are you?" You ask her, trying to get a conversation going. "I'm good. Still kinda hungry tho" she says, licking her fingers. The rest of the food was brought to the table by some elf servants, and shortly after Jupiter walked in. "Hello ladies" he said with an eyebrow wiggle. Rebecca rolled her eyes. "I'm starving" Jupiter then said with a dramatic sigh, sitting across from you and immediatly starting on what looked like sparkly donuts. Rebecca had taken a piece of bread and some sort of steak. Then Charlie walked in. He grunted a "good morning" and dropped down in the chair next to Jupiter. He took a simple slice of toast with melted cheese and bacon. The last two to walk in were Loryn and Jonathan, looking as if they had a rough night. Perhaps they did, who knows. Eww, wrong thought.
Anyways... The group had breakfast, all fine 'n dandy, and went to pack bags right after. All the important stuff was packed: phone, charger, special elf power bank with endless power supply, food, and clothes.
A little later Loryn came to your room, where you were packing. "Y/N? Have you ever rode on a horse before?" She asked. You nodded/shook your head. "Oh well, it doesn't really matter. We're riding unicorns, they're clever enough to do whatever they need to do" she responded. "Unicorns? As in, magical horses with cones on their heads?" You asked. "Yep. They have magic, but it's limited. They can make things float, and have healing powers for example. Come on, I'll show you yours!"

You followed Loryn to the lake that was down a long stairway, under the cliff the castle was built on. The lake had a beautiful lookout over the other cliffs and buildings in the rock walls that went deep into the canyon. At the side of the lake was a small grass patch, with a few bushes, and on the side was the most beautiful group of animals you had ever seen: a group of about twenty white unicorns of all sizes. Their mane colors were different per unicorn, some being all colors of the rainbow with others being completely black or brown, and some had shiny gems between the soft hair. Some of the unicorns had tiny diamonds over their whole body, with others only having them on their heads. You noticed the other four members of the companionship already making their unicorns ready. Loryn walked over to hers, a slim unicorn with tiny white gems in the shape of a heart on the forehead and bright blue mane. "This is Glory", Loryn said, stroking the unicorn's neck. "The name of the unicorn is always a word that represents them. For example, Glory has always been here for the royal family, and with that she's gotten treated like a princess herself." Loryn explains. "That one right there, is Smoky" she then says, pointing at Jupiter, who was holding a fiery, strong looking unicorn with dark blue mane that had red, white, and yellow gems in it. "Loryn? How come this one isn't called 'Stubborn little arse'?" He said, annoyance heard in his voice. "Because he has saved the people of an entire village from getting burned to death when a volcano exploded, after which he was given the name Smoky." Loryn responded.
Rebecca was already on her unicorn, all packed and ready to go. Her unicorn had bright purple mane, and green-ish gems all over the body. "And this is Speedy", she said, petting the animal's neck.
Charlie was standing still in the middle of the group of unicorns, looking bored. "Y/N? You can go and stand next to him. A unicorn chooses you, not the other way around. So go see which one chooses you!" Loryn says to you.
You walked over to Charlie, who was apparently not chosen yet. You hadn't even stood there for long, until a beautiful unicorn with long, pastel rainbow mane walked over to you. She had pink gem markings all over her body. "Y/N? That's Mercy, the sweetest one of them" Loryn said, smiling at you. You smiled back and petted the unicorn's neck. Next to you Charlie groaned. "That's not fair! I've been standing here for half an hour already!" To which you responded with a teasing wink as you walked towards Loryn again, with the beautiful unicorn following you.

I had no inspiration for the ending okay plz don't hate me XD
I'm working on a drawing of the Companionship right now, and personally I'm starting to like the looks of it!

Also yay another extra long chapter :')

Love, Ellen

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