Chapter Two: No Big Deal? Pt. 2

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Later at Jimin's house...

Jimin: "Tae...I think I'm trouble..."

*Tae is holding his phone very confused*


Jimin: "I think NamJoon really like me.."

*Tae damn near drops his phone*

Tae:"Seriously?? Oh my gosh!! Wait wait wait lemme add Jin and Kookie!"

Jimin: "No Tae wa-"

*Tae already connects Jin to the call*

Jin:"I am eating right now so whatever your calling me for better be life or death.."

Tae: "NamJoon asked Jimin out!"

Jimin: "No no-"

Jin: "Aw hell..."

Tae:"Add Kookie our Chim chim needs advice!"

Jin:"Fine hold on."

*Few seconds later...*

Kookie: "Whatttttttttt?"

Tae: "NamJoon asked out Jimin!"

Kookie: "Wait what??!?"

Jimin: "Lord you guys calm down! I'm not even sure it's even a 'date' date. This might just be a friend thing."

Kookie: "On a Saturday though?"

Tae:"On a Saturday...Night...though...?"

Kookie: "Oh yeah Chim that's a date."

Tae:"Ha! Told you!"

*Jimin face palms himself*

Tae: "Ok ok...tell us everything, what happend???"

Jimin: "He just kept smirking and smiling at me when we were at the cafe working...he winked at me, and invited me to his house tomorrow night to listen to the final cut to our song for the project."

Kookie:"Chim chim I'm telling you..thats a date!!"

Jimin: "You really think so?"

Kookie: "Chim chim, he invited you to his house, on a Saturday night, alone, to listen to's a damn date! I told you he was gay!"

Jimin: "That doesn't make him 'gay' you guys. Maybe it's just a friend thing."

Tae:"You know what you could be right...but your NOT! Chim...think about it for a second. If it was a friend thing he wouldn't have ONLY invited you.."

Jin: "Chim these straight but curious boys come with way too much emotional baggage, you need to be careful with him."

Tae:"Ugh, whatever Jin. How about when you go to his place, you look around and see if you can find some signs that he likes guys. It shouldn't be hard."

Jimin: "Didn't I already say I'm not snooping?"

Tae:"You have no choice! You need to find out before you really develop feelings for him Jimin."

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