Chapter Twenty-Four: This Is Awkward...

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Next Morning...

*As Jimin and NamJoon arrive at school, Jimin still felt really bad about everything. As they walked down the hall together he felt like all eyes were on everybody knew what he did. NamJoon noticed him walking with his head down...*

NamJoon: "Mochi...are you ok? You barely said anything all morning, I'm not used to you being so quiet."

Jimin: "Yeah, I'm just still pretty tired I guess..."

*Yoongi and Hobi pop up behind them*

Yoongi: "Damn. You must've really wore him out huh?"

*Both of them laugh as they walk off to class while Jimin hits NamJoon's arm*

NamJoon: "Ow!"

Jimin: "Really Joonie? You told them!"

NamJoon: "Um...sort of..."

Jimin: "Joonie!"

NamJoon: "What??? I'm sorry, but it's not my fault. You make it real hard not to brag about."

Jimin: "Is that supposed to be like a compliment?" *He says as he tries not to smile*

NamJoon: "Supposed to be, yes." *He laughs* "Hurry up and get to gym before your late, I'll see you at lunch ok?"

*Jimin nods his head and pecks Joonie on his lips. Once he gets into the locker room he sees Tae, Kookie, and...Jin. Jimin once again tries to avoid contact with Jin but it was pretty hard since all of their lockers were next to each other*

Tae: "Hey Chim...why are you looking down? You ok?"

Kookie: "He should be better than ok, from what I heard you finally gave in and gave NamJoon some ass."

*Both Tae and Kookie laugh, Jin however is not amused*

Jimin: "I'm ok I guess."

Tae: "Damn, just ok? Was it bad or something?"

Jimin: "No, of course not. It was amazing like always but I was just...a bit too distracted to completely enjoy it..."

Kookie: "Distracted by what?"

Jin: "Yeah Chim, distracted by what?" *He says sarcastically*

Jimin: "Nothing...just forget about it. Ok?" *He says as he continues to get dressed*

*Tae and Kookie shrug it off and start walking to the gym, as Jimin tries to speed past Jin, Jin stops him*

Jin: "Why are you avoiding me? Don't you think we should talk about what happened?"

Jimin: "There's nothing to talk about."

Jin: "Are you sure? Because if you're too distracted to enjoy sex with your boyfriend because you're thinking about me, then I think there is something to talk about."

Jimin: "Don't be so full of yourself. Nothing happened between us Jin. We were drunk, had a drunk moment and that was it."

Jin: "The first kiss was a drunk moment. The second kiss was intentional, the letting me between your legs was intentional, and the orgasm you had was intentional. And let's not forget that you initiated all of that."

Jimin: "Jin you don't know what the hell your talking about. I was drunk, it meant absolutely nothing."

Jin: "You sure it meant nothing?" *He said as he slowly backed Jimin into a locker*

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