Chapter Twenty-One: Uninvited Guest

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NamJoon: "Isabella...?"

Isabella: "Hello NamJoon."

NamJoon: "Hi...what-what are you doing here? Aren't you suppose to be back home?"

Isabella: "Well we decided to stay a bit longer. And um, I sort of got into huge fight with my parents, and kind of ran away..."

NamJoon: "So you ran away...and came here? Of all places..."

Isabella: "Well you're the only person here I know, so I thought maybe you could let me crash here for a few days. At least until things cool off with my parents..."

NamJoon: "Well I um-" *His phone rings* "I have to answer this just um...bring your stuff  over by the couch and we'll figure something out."

*As he goes to answer his phone Isabella brings in her suitcase with a sly smile. She quickly takes out her phone and text someone*


Isabella: "I'm in."

Unknown: "Good."

On The Phone...

NamJoon: "Hey Mochi..." *Says nervously*

Jimin: "Hey mister, you home already?"

NamJoon: "Yeah, yeah I um...was just about to text you."

Jimin: "Oh really? You miss me already huh?" *He giggles*

NamJoon: "Of course..."

Jimin: "You okay? You sound a little weird..."

NamJoon: "Y-yeah I'm just um...just tired. Think I'll just head to bed and I'll call you tomorrow."

Jimin: "Boo...but fine. Maybe you can come over tomorrow."

NamJoon: "Sounds good, good night baby. Love you."

Jimin: "Love you too."

*After NamJoon hangs up Isabella walks up behind him*

Isabella: "Who was that?"

NamJoon: "Jimin..."

Isabella: " guys still close huh?"

NamJoon: "Isabella please spare me the bullshit, ok. I know you know that Jimin isn't just my friend but my boyfriend. And let's not forget the little stunts you pulled trying to break us up. Which is why after tonight, you have to find somewhere else to stay..."

*As he begins walking up the stairs to his room Isabella quickly runs after him and grabs his arm*

Isabella: "NamJoon I am truly sorry. I know you probably don't believe me but at the time I just wanted you to give me a chance. I really like you and how passionate you are about what you do..."

NamJoon: "Isabella..."

Isabella: "I know that you love Jimin and honestly....I get it, he's very unique and different. I just want us to at least be friends...can we at least be friends?"

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