Chapter Twenty-Five: Let's Talk

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Two Weeks Later...

*It has been a whole two weeks since Jimin has talked to NamJoon. He tried calling, texting, facetiming,
everything and still nothing. He even tried to reach out to Hobi and Yoongi luck. Outside of school Jimin just has been sitting alone in his room thinking of ways to get NamJoon to forgive him, or at least talk to him. Luckily Tae and Kookie came over to give their support*

Jimin: "He hates me doesn't he?"

Tae: "No. Of course not..."

Kookie: "He's just upset Chim...he needs time to process everything."

Jimin: "I get that but a whole two weeks? He hasn't called or texted me in two weeks. I'm literally getting the silent treatment..."

Kookie: "In his defense it's a lot to take in. Just don't push him, he'll talk to you when he's ready."

Tae: "Speaking of talk...have you and Jin talked?"

*Jimin shakes his head no*

Tae: "Well I think you should. You and Jin have been best friends forever, you guys need to talk."

Jimin: "I know. It's just awkward..."

Kookie: "Do you think you might have feelings for him? I mean I'm sure it's difficult to say since you guys were drunk and it only happened once."

*Jimin awkwardly looks down as he scratches his head*

Kookie: "Chim???" *He says with a concerned look* "This only happened once...right???"

Jimin: "Jin...kinda was the one who took my virginity...."

*Kookie and Tae were, for the first time, speechless*

Tae: "...Um...what?"

Kookie: "C-can you um...please repeat that?"

Jimin: "I asked Jin to take my virginity last summer and...he did."

Tae: "I'm still hella confused."

Jimin: "Last summer...I asked Jin about sex. I was curious and I asked him to take my virginity because he was experienced already. At the time I did have a crush on him, but I never told him..."

Kookie: " you think you still have feelings for him?"

Jimin: "A little. Yes. But I know NamJoon has my heart. I'm not confused about that. I know I want to be with Joonie, but I also miss Jin as my friend..." *His eyes fill up with water* "I know no matter what happens things won't be the same...and that sucks." *He wipes his eyes*

Meanwhile at NamJoon's House...

*NamJoon is sitting in his couch talking with Hobi and Yoongi about Jimin...*

Hobi: "Do you still love him?"

NamJoon: "Of course I still love him, but love has nothing to do with this. He cheated."

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