Chapter Five: Is This Real?

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Sunday Morning...

*Jimin wakes up with mixed feelings. He doesn't really know what to make of what happened last night, it almost feels like a dream. As much as he knows MamaJin will lecture him, he knows he needs some MamaJin advice on his new "relationship," so he calls Jin*

Jin: *answers the phone* "Hello?"

Jimin: "MamaJin I have to tell you something....but promise me you won't give me a lecture..."

Jin: "Aw hell Chim what did you do?"

Jimin: "Just promise me...please."

Jin: "I promise."

*After Jimin took Jin through the entire story about what happened with him, Kookie, and Tae yesterday at Hobi's house Jin let out a huge sigh*

Jimin: "I'm not sure what I should do..."

Jin: "Well Chim all I'm going to say is be careful. These straight but curious boys are pure trouble, I don't need you guys getting hurt. Just follow your gut and take things slow."

Jimin: "Ok. But NamJoon invited me to his place today to listen to our song later. It's just going to be me and him and I don't know if he has any....'intentions'"

Jin: "Only do what you want to do Chim."

Jimin: "Thanks MamaJin..."

Jin: "Yeah yeah....see you tomorrow Chim."

*After Jimin got off the phone with Jin he thought about what Jin said for hours. He got up to brush his teeth and get ready. Once he was about to hop in the shower, he gets a text from NamJoon. The text told him to come over in an hour. Even though Jimin was excited he was also a bit nervous considering how they were going to be alone together. As he gets dressed and adds his finishing touches in his bedroom bathroom, his mom walks in looking for him.*

Mrs Park: "Oh look at you! You look nice honey. You and the guys got plans today?"

Jimin: "Not really. I um...kinda have plans with a new friend..."

Mrs Park: "New friend? What new friend?"

Jimin: "Just this guy I've been hanging out with."

Mrs Park: "Oh really? Is this new guy cute?"

Jimin: "He's....attractive yes."

Mrs. Park: "How come I haven't met him?"

Jimin: "Well eomma our friendship is still pretty new so we're just seeing where it goes. But do you think I could use the car?"

Mrs Park: "Hmm. Ok, fine. Just make sure you are home by 9... you have school tomorrow."

Jimin: "Of course."

*As Jimin is on his way to NamJoon's house he is constantly telling himself to calm down. He pulls up to NamJoon's house and his mouth drops to the floor*

 He pulls up to NamJoon's house and his mouth drops to the floor*

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