Chapter Nineteen: Reconciliation?

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NamJoon: "My parents???? And they want to talk to both of us?"

*Hobi nods. After he tells them, NamJoon holds Jimin's hand and they both look at each other taking a deep breath. They grab each other's hand and walk downstairs to see his parents sitting on the couch with blank expressions on their faces. As Hobi, Yoongi, Tae, Kookie, and Jin went upstairs to NamJoon's room, he and Jimin sat on the couch directly across from his parents*

NamJoon: "What's going on...?" *He says nervously*

Mrs.Kim: "NamJoon, you know we love you. And if...being with Jimin makes you happy...we are going to try our best to accept your choices."

NamJoon: "Really???"

*Jimin and NamJoon were both shocked. That was the last thing they expected to hear*

Mrs. Kim: "However...we do have questions."

NamJoon: "Questions?"

Mrs. Kim: "Have you and Jimin...been intimate yet?"

*Jimin looked at the ground trying to a avoid all eye-contact *

NamJoon: "...Yes."

Mr. Kim: "NamJoon! You know you were supposed to stay pure until marriage!"

NamJoon: "But I lost my virginity way before I met Jimin..."

Mrs. Kim: "Fine....fine. However rules will apply even if you have a boyfriend instead of a girlfriend."

NamJoon: "What rules?"

Mrs. Kim: "Even though you and Jimin have already...had sex..."

*Jimin and NamJoon quickly get very uncomfortable*

Mrs. Kim: "No more sexual relations of any kind until you graduate."

NamJoon: "What?!?"

*Jimin's eyes got big as he tried not to show how embarrassed he was*

Mrs. Kim: "No sexual relations until you have graduated NamJoon."

NamJoon: "Why??? We've never had that rule before..."

Mrs. Kim: "True, but we weren't completely sure you were having sex. Now that we know you are...we need you completely focused on school and graduating."

NamJoon: "I just don't see how...that...would effect me graduating..."

Mr. Kim: "NamJoon you know we expected you to be pure until marriage, but since that won't at least have to graduate first."

NamJoon: "But, we've already...done it. So how does us stopping for a year help me graduate?"

Mr. Kim: "NamJoon these are the terms. You already knew you were not supposed to have sex until you were married. Now you can accept the rules and keep your house, car, tuition, and your boyfriend. Or you could refuse and continue to pack your things. Pick one."

*NamJoon and Jimin looked at each other, Jimin nodded his head indicating for NamJoon to accept. NamJoon was shocked and confused, but he looked back at his parents nodded his head yes*

Mr. Kim: "Good. And also there will be a curfew in place for you, and no extra....guest past 9pm."

NamJoon: "9pm?!? Bu-"

*Jimin quickly pinches Joonie's lower back to stop him from talking*

Jimin: "Thank you Mr and Mrs. Kim. We will be under our best behavior."

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