Chapter Thirty: Big Surprise

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Back at NamJoon's house...

*NamJoon, Hobi, and Yoongi are all in the bathroom mirror getting ready for their engagement party...*

Hobi: "I can't believe we are really doing this..."

Yoongi: "I mean it's not so bad...we still have a whole 2 years until we actually get married."

NamJoon: "But still, you don't feel weird about being forced to get married?"

Yoongi: "If it was to anyone else I would, but since it's to Kookie, I don't feel weird at all."

Hobi: "I feel a bit weird but Tae is excited so..that's kinda keeping me calm."

Yoongi: "You having second thoughts Joon?"

NamJoon: "Not really, I mean I love Jimin and I know I can't see myself with anyone else but...I'm still thinking if we're both ready..."

Hobi: "Then what are you ganna do?"

NamJoon: "Well I have a present for Jimin, and I just want to see how the party goes before I give it to him..."

An Hour Later...

*Everyone has arrived, literally everyone! NamJoon's parents, Yoongi's parents, Hobi's parents, Kookie's parents, Tae's parents, and Jimin's mom. The party was pretty awkward for first hour or so. All the boys were pretty quiet and didn't do or say much. So NamJoon's father took it upon himself to make a speech...*

Mr. Kim: "I would like to make a little toast if I may, to all of the guest."

*All the parents grab a glass of wine for the toast while all the boys grab some lemonade*

Mr. Kim: "I want to personally thank all of the parents for being such great sports about this engagement celebration. All our boys have decided to take their relationships to the next level in honor of tradition. Now I did also mention privately that if the boy's opposed this important, everlasting, lifetime commitment that they can say they choose not get married. However that would...eventually affect their current relationship. So right here and now, if any of you young men have anything to say...speak now or forever hold your peace..."

*NamJoon nervously looks over at Jimin, he gulps and suddenly raises his hand*

NamJoon: "I have someone I would like to say..."

*Jimin immediately started to sweat, he became so nervous. NamJoon walked to the front of the room, Jimin literally held his breath the entire time. NamJoon's father politely steps aside, Jimin notices his sly smile as if he already knew what NamJoon was about to say...*

NamJoon: "Hello everyone, once again I want to thank all of you for coming this evening. I um...I was never excited about getting married. Ever. I hated the pressure, all the rules, and restrictions..."

*Jimin started to feel his eyes filling up with water, he fought back the tears as much as he could*

NamJoon: "I thought all night about whether or not, personally, if me and Jimin were ready to get married and...I've come to the conclusion that right now....we're not."

*The entire room gasped, and Jimin's tears immediately began to fall. He couldn't hold them back any longer. As he saw NamJoon's father smile at those words, he felt like every thing he and Joonie have went through....has suddenly been for nothing....*

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