Chapter Seventeen: He's Mine!

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2 Hours Later...

*As all of the guys and Isabella are gathering to leave, Jimin quickly runs to Tae and grabs his arm*

Jimin: "Tae?!" *He whispers*

Tae: "Ouch!" *He says as he feels Jimin's nails in his arm* "What chim???"

Jimin: "She knows!" *He said while trying to whisper*

Tae: "She knows??? What do you mean???"

*Jimin quickly pulled Tae aside away from all the guys*

Jimin: "Isabella! She knows about me and Joonie!"

Tae: "What?!? How?"

Jimin: "Somehow she pieced it together...she's going to try to seduce him, I know it Tae..."

Tae: "Well why are you telling me??? You need to tell NamJoon..."

Jimin: "I can't..."

Tae: "What?!? Why not?"

Jimin: "Because without proof he won't believe me...he'll think I'm just being jealous again..."

Tae: "So...what are you going to do Chim?"

Jimin: "I don't know..."

*As Jimin is talking to Tae he hears NamJoon calling him from the living room*

NamJoon: "Jimin...cmon I'm going to take you home!"

Jimin: "Here I come..."

*As Jimin walks into the living room and picks up his coat, he sees Isabella walking up to NamJoon*

Isabella: "So NamJoon..."

*NamJoon looks in her direction once he heard her speaking*

NamJoon: "Yes?"

Isabella: "Are you busy tomorrow after school?"

*Jimin quickly cuts in and says...*

Jimin: "Yes...we have a.....project that...we need to work on tomorrow."

Isabella: "Oh really..."

*NamJoon nods*

Jimin: "Yeah, ready to go NamJoon?"

NamJoon: "Yeah, let's go..."

*As Jimin and NamJoon begin to walk out, Jimin looks back and Isabella gives him a dirty look.*

Isabella: *whispers to herself* "Big mistake..."

In NamJoon's Car...

Jimin: "Hey Joonie..."

NamJoon: "Yeah?"

Jimin: "Can we um...chill at my house for a little while?

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