Chapter Twenty-Nine: TBH...

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On the following Friday night...

*NamJoon and Jimin are cuddling on the couch under a blanket watching a movie while Hobi and Yoongi are upstairs in NamJoon's guest rooms. As they watch the movie Jimin can tell that NamJoon is a bit distant ever since the 'intervention' with his father. They haven't really cuddled or shared a lot of affection since it happened. NamJoon honestly has been pretty motionless...*

NamJoon: *Checks his watch* "It's getting pretty late, I should probably take you home Mochi..."

Jimin: "You could, or you could just let me stay over..." *He says as he tugs on Joonie's shirt*

NamJoon: "I don't want your mom to be worried about you and stuff..."

Jimin: "She won't be, she knows I stay over at your house."

*As Jimin slowly slides his hand up NamJoon's shirt across his stomach, NamJoon grabs his hand and stops him*

NamJoon: "Mochi I um...I'm just not really up for this tonight ok? Plus we have this 'party' tomorrow for the engagement and stuff, we should get some rest."

*Jimin tries to hide it but quickly gets an attitude*

Jimin: "Oh...ok." *He says as he gets up angrily grabbing his stuff*

NamJoon: "Mochi seriously?" *He says as he gets up and follows him*

Jimin: "Seriously what?"

NamJoon: "Are you seriously throwing a fucking tantrum right now?"

Jimin: "You know what, yes. Yes I am throwing a fucking tantrum and would you like to know why? Because my boyfriend aka fiancé is acting like I'm invisible."

NamJoon: "Wow...using the fiancé card already? Your mom doesn't even know that we're engaged yet but I'm your fiancé?"

Jimin: "Would you rather not be my fiancé? Sounds like that's why your acting like you can't touch me."

NamJoon: "Mochi I'm always touching you!"

Jimin: "Not recently! Joonie for the past 4 days you barely kissed me, let alone talked to me..."

NamJoon: "Oh no...not a whole 4 days..." *He says sarcastically*

Jimin: "You used to always have your hands on me now we barely even cuddle. I feel like I'm a little brother."

NamJoon: "I'm sorry that I'm dealing with a lot right now Mochi, but damn you as my boyfriend should be supportive. Why are you testing me like this? Your acting like we weren't just forced into an engagement a few days ago."

Jimin: "So are you trying to say you don't want to be engaged? You don't want to marry me?"

NamJoon: "I don't want to be forced to marry you. I want to purpose to you on my own, I want to marry you when I'm ready and not because my father told me to. I love you so much and one day I would love to marry you, do I want to necessarily be married in two years...not really..."

Jimin: "Wow..."

*Jimin grabs his stuff and opens the door to leave but Joonie quickly jumps in front of him and blocks the door*

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