Chapter Twenty-Six: Real Explanation

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*It has been a week since Jimin and NamJoon have made up. It's the first day of exams at school, so Jimin is a bit nervous. As he and NamJoon walk toward Jimin's locker they see Tae and Kookie waiting there for him*

Jimin: "Hey guys, what's going on?"

Tae: "We kinda have to talk to you..."

Jimin: "Talk to me about what?"

*Tae nervously looks at NamJoon, then he looks at Kookie*

Tae: "It's kinda...private..."

Jimin: "It can't wait until after my exam? I only have 10 minutes to study..."

Kookie: "This will be quick Chim, it's pretty important."

Jimin: "Ok fine. Joonie I'll see you after my exam ok?"

NamJoon: "Alright." *He pecks Jimin's lips*

*As Jimin walks off with Tae and Kookie, NamJoon couldn't help but to feel like something was up. As he watches them walk down the hall towards the gym, Hobi and Yoongi walk up behind him*

Yoongi: "You alright Joon? You look worried..."

NamJoon: "Did Kookie or Tae say anything to you guys about Jimin this morning?"

Hobi: "No."

Yoongi: "No...why?"

NamJoon: "They just told him they need to talk to him about something but...something just doesn't feel right..."

Yoongi: "Well...we could follow them..."

Hobi: "Really Yoongi??? You don't think that's a bit creepy?"

Yoongi: "Well let's see, what if Tae just cheated on you and his friends just snuck him off to the gym?"

Hobi: "....Let's go."

*NamJoon, Hobi, and Yoongi started walking towards the gym. As they walked inside they see Jimin walking into the locker room...*

Jimin: "Hey..."

Jin: "Hey."

Hobi: *whispers to NamJoon* "I hear him talking to somebody..."

*NamJoon pokes his head inside the door a little bit to hear their conversation*

Jimin: "Thanks for coming to talk to me."

Jin: "Sure. I mean we could've talked earlier but...nothing happened. Remember?"

Jimin: "Jin...I'm sorry for acting like nothing happened between us. But please understand I was going through a lot. I just needed time to process everything..."

Jin: "Chim I get that, but I thought that no matter what you would at least be a friend."

Jimin: "Jin I am your friend-"

Jin: "Are you sure? Because you haven't tried to talk to me in almost a month. Jimin a friend wouldn't just bail like that. All I wanted to do was talk about it so we could move on but you couldn't do that."

Jimin: "Jin I know I handled things a bit childish. I was just trying to figure out my feelings..."

NamJoon: *whispers to himself* "Feelings?"

Jin: "What feelings?"

Jimin: "I needed to make sure that there were no lingering feelings."

Jin: "Are there any?"

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