Chapter Seven: Proceed With Caution

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As weeks to turned into months, Jimin and NamJoon's relationship was still in the honeymoon phase. The only problem so far is that their relationship was still a secret. This started to bother Jimin. He began to wonder if NamJoon was ever going to make their relationship public.
*Meanwhile at Jimin's house the guys were having a "sleepover." Jimin, Tae, Kookie, and Jin were all in Jimin's room talking and laughing when suddenly, a serious topic popped up...*

Jin: "So...not that I'm not happy for you guys but...when exactly will this 'sneaking around' part of your relationships be over?"

Kookie: "Really Jin?"

Jin: "Kookie I'm just saying, it's been three months. Has any of them said anything to you guys about it?"

Tae: "I asked Hobi about it a few times...he says he's still not completely ready to come out."

Kookie: "Yeah, so did Yoongi..."

Jimin: "Same..."

Jin: "Are you guys at all curious as to why they are waiting so long?"

Jimin: "Jin you can't pressure someone to come out, you have to give them time."

Jin: "I get that. But even at school? I don't see why they can't at least be out at school."

*Tae, Kookie, and Jimin all looked at each other and started thinking the same thing...*

Few Days Later...

*One day, at NamJoon's house, Jimin finally brought it up. As they were in NamJoon's room, NamJoon was kissing Jimin's neck which usually would drive him crazy, but today he noticed Jimin didn't really respond*

NamJoon: "Mochi...are you ok? What's wrong?"

*Jimin let out a soft sigh as he sat up and looked in NamJoon's eyes*

Jimin: "Joonie...are we ever going to tell people about us...?"

*NamJoon sat up and held Jimin's hand*

NamJoon: "Eventually..."

Jimin: "Ok well when is 'eventually' because we have been together for three months now and we're still a secrete. You told me this wouldn't be a secrete for long."

NamJoon: "It wont be. It's not going to last forever I'm just not ready to tell my family and stuff yet."

Jimin: "I get that, and I respect that. But you could at least be out and proud with me at school. I don't see why we have to stay a secrete there."

NamJoon: "Mochi I just-"

Jimin: "Your just what? Are you shamed of me?"

NamJoon: "No no of course not-"

*Jimin's voice got angry, he began to yell*

Jimin: "You embarrassed by me? Huh?!? Are you embarrassed to be seen with your boyfriend????"

NamJoon: "Mochi calm down please.."

Jimin: "NamJoon you asked for this relationship ok, you wanted us to date. How could you be with someone you're embarrassed to be seen with??"

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