Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Intervention

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*NamJoon gets up and answers the door and sees ALL the fathers, Yoongi's father, Hobi's father, and his father*

NamJoon: "Hello, please come in and makes yourselves at home." *He says with a nervous smile* "Nice to see you Mr. Min, Mr. Jung, Dad."

Mr. Min: "Hello NamJoon."

Mr. Jung: "NamJoon."

Mr. Kim: "Has everyone arrived NamJoon?"

NamJoon: "Yes." *He points them towards the couch*

*The fathers walk in and sit on the couch directly across from all the boys. After NamJoon comes over and sits back down, everyone remains silent. Jimin, Tae, and Kookie can feel each father staring into their souls*

Mr. Kim: "Your mothers wanted to be here today, but we felt we needed to talk to you all alone about this...situation."

*The boys nod their heads*

Mr. Min: "I would like to start if I may."

Mr. Kim: "Of course."

Mr. Min: "Yoongi, when did this start?"

Yoongi: "When did what start?"

Mr. Min: "You having feelings for...boys."

Yoongi: "Well dad, I don't have feelings for all boys, just Kookie. And I started liking him months ago."

Mr. Min: "So your not gay your just...experimenting?"

Yoongi: "I'm not gay, but I wouldn't say I'm experimenting necessarily. But I do have real feelings for Kookie and he' boyfriend. I'm exclusively dating him and he's the only person I want to date."

Mr. Min: "Did you feel...pressured to date him?"

*All the boys looked a bit confused*

Yoongi: "Pressured? By who?"

Mr. Min: "Did your cousins help influence you?"

NamJoon: "I'm sorry Sir, but by 'cousins' do you mean me?" *He says as he tries not to get offended*

*Noticing how NamJoon is getting a bit agitated, Jimin quickly grabs and rubs his hand trying to calm him down. NamJoon's dad notices this and slightly rolls his eyes*

Mr. Min: "Well didn't you introduce them to each other?"

NamJoon: "Yes, but-"

Yoongi: "Dad, yes NamJoon introduced me to Kookie but only after I told him that I liked him. NamJoon didn't influence me, I'm my own person."

*Jimin looked over as they kept talking and saw that Kookie just kept his head down, he didn't say a word. Jimin understood his pain and felt so bad for him...*

Mr. Min: "Do you understand how this makes your family look? What people are going to say?"

Yoongi: "I don't care what they say about me."

Mr. Min: "What about what they say about your family? You still don't care?"

Yoongi: "So I have to sacrifice what and who I want so the family can be happy? I'm sorry but I can't do that."

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