Chapter Four: Kiss and Tell?

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*Once Jimin and NamJoon's lips touch every thing went completely silent like a movie scene. The kiss lasted at least 10 full seconds without breath. As they slowly separated, they looked into each other's eyes. NamJoon smiled at Jimin, making Jimin blush. As Jimin blushed he pulled away a little bit and started to play with his fingers. He couldn't contain his smile. *

NamJoon: "Piece of cake. Yoongi...truth or dare?"

Yoongi: "Dare."

NamJoon: "I dare you to kiss Kookie's neck..." *He says with a smirk*

*Kookie's eyes got big as his mouth fell open.*

Yoongi: "Ok, is it okay?" *He says as he looks across towards Kookie*

*Kookie nervously nods his head yes. As Yoongi slowly crawls towards Kookie, Kookie tries not to look directly at him. Once Yoongi gets close to him, he uses his finger to slowly pull Kookie's shirt collar down to expose more of his neck. This made Kookie gulp. As Yoongi slowly kisses Kookie's neck, he could feel Kookie shaking. To mess with him he lightly swirled his tongue on his neck. Once Kookie felt his tongue, uncontrollably, he let out a light moan and quickly covered his mouth. Yoongi, Hobi, and NamJoon chuckled.*

Kookie: "Um..maybe we should play a different game.."

Yoongi: "How come? You didn't like it or something?"

Kookie: "No- I mean yeah...but...huh?"

*Hobi, Yoongi, and Namjoon laughed*

Jimin: "I think we're just a little confused..."

NamJoon: "Confused? Confused about what?"

Jimin: "Well guys just seem so...comfortable with us..."

Hobi: "Should we not feel that way?"

Tae: "It's know we're gay...right?"

*Hobi, Yoongi, and NamJoon all look at each other and smile*

Hobi, Yoongi, and NamJoon: "Yeah..we know."

Jimin: "You know? Does that mean you guys are..-"

NamJoon: "We' minded." *He says with a smirk*

Kookie: "Open minded? Like all of you?"

*They nod their heads yes*

Tae: "Oh...okay.."

NamJoon: "Can we be honest?"

Jimin: "Honest about what?"

NamJoon: "Well, even though all of us are open minded we never actually been with guys before. So we invited you guys here with slight anterior motives..."

Kookie: "Um...what does that mean? Are we like experiments to you guys???"

Yoongi: "No no it's not like that!"

Tae: "Guys I think we should go..."

*As Kookie, Tae, and Jimin get up to leave Hobi, Yoongi, and NamJoon jump up to stop them.*

Hobi: "Wait wait! Please let us explain.."

Jimin: "Fine. Explain."

Hobi: "We just wanted to get to know you guys and see if you...liked us because you guys..."

*Tae, Jimin, and Kookie were shocked yet intrigued.*

Hobi: "When we moved here and NamJoon told us he had a new friend, he showed us a picture of Jimin from twitter. And we saw you guys were in it and we thought you were cute. NamJoon already knew he liked Jimin, so he asked us who we thought was our type. I said Tae, and Yoongi said Kookie. Then we set up this little party to see if you guys liked us too..."

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