Chapter Twenty-Two: Oh No...

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Hours Later...

*After hours go by, all Isabella could do was sit on the couch with her arms folded. Finally she heard NamJoon's door open, as he and Jimin came down the steps she immediately changed her attitude. When they got to the door Isabella noticed NamJoon had a new hickey on his neck, she was pissed, but she put on her poker face...Especially when Jimin gave NamJoon a passionate good-bye kiss*

Jimin: "Watch her Joonie..." *He whispers to him*

NamJoon: "Don't worry."

Jimin: "I'm serious..."

NamJoon: "Everything will be fine. Love you."

Jimin: "Love you too..."

*Jimin is very concerned that Isabella is still in NamJoon's house alone with him. He doesn't want to show it too much but he's definitely worried. Once Jimin left NamJoon closed the door and couldn't stop smiling*

Isabella: "So...Jimin has a key huh? Do your parents know?"

*NamJoon's smile immediately left*

NamJoon: "It's not their business. Or yours." *He began walking toward the steps*

Isabella: "You guys were up there a while..."

NamJoon: "Again, not your business."

Isabella: "I'm just saying-"

*NamJoon stops and walks back toward the couch and cuts her off*

NamJoon: "Have you called your parents yet? Because you can't stay here another night."

Isabella: "Why not?  NamJoonie have I not been on my best behavior?"

NamJoon: "Stop calling me that. And I'm sure that won't last long, plus Jimin wants you out of here."

Isabella: "So you take orders from Jimin?"

NamJoon: "It's not taking orders. He's my boyfriend and if he doesn't want someone who tried breaking us up, sleeping here then I kind of have to agree." *He says sarcastically*

Isabella: *Chukles as she mumbles* "Oh it makes sense now..."

NamJoon: "What makes sense?"

Isabella: "Jimin must be the top huh?"

NamJoon: "What???"

Isabella: "I mean he has to be if he has you in check that much..."

NamJoon: "First of all, I'm the top. Ok? Second he doesn't have me in check, and third it's none of your business!"

Isabella: "Then...why are you explaining?" *She smiles*

*NamJoon takes a deep breath and begins walking up the stairs*

NamJoon: "One more night, thats it Isabella!" *He walks back up to his room and slams his door*

Isabella: "Thanks.." *she says with a sly smile*

One Hour Later...

*NamJoon begins to walk downstairs wearing a leather jacket, with a grey hoodie underneath it, black ripped jeans, black boots, and black baseball cap. Isabella noticed him head for the door*

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