Chapter Twenty: Family Meeting (18+)

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The following weekend later...

*Jimin is in the kitchen with his mom helping her make dinner for NamJoon and his family. He is the most nervous he has ever been*

Mrs. Park: "Jimin honey please calm down before you have a panic attack."

Jimin: "Everything has to be perfect Eomma literally everything."

Mrs. Park: "Calm down. Haven't you already met NamJoon's parents?"

Jimin: "Yeah but as his friend. This is our first dinner. Their getting to know me as his boyfriend now, it's completely different. They already aren't too fond of me so I have to make a great impression..."

Mrs. Park: "Well still, relax..."

*She watches as Jimin is dicing the vegetables rapidly*

Mrs. Park: "Ok ok stop..." *She takes the knife from him*

Jimin: "Bu-"

Mrs. Park: "No buts. Just go upstairs and get showered and dressed. Leave the cooking to me, I got it ok?"

*Jimin nods his head nervously and heads upstairs to get ready. As he starts blow drying his hair from his shower he sees he has a text from NamJoon...*


Joonie❤️😍😘: "You nervous?"

Jiminieee☺️😘: "Very...I just hope everything goes ok..."

Joonie❤️😍😘: "Just calm down. Everything will be fine...what are you doing?"

Jimineee☺️😘: "Just got out of the shower, drying my hair."

Joonieee❤️😍😘: "Ohhh...send me a pic 👅💦"

Jiminieee☺️😘: " 😂😂😂"

Joonieee❤️😍😘: "Ugh! No fun. Fine finish getting ready, we'll be over there in a bit. Love you❤️❤️"

Jiminieee☺️❤️: "Ok. Love you too 😘"

One Hour Later....

*As Jimin is in the mirror finalizing his outfit he can't shake the nervousness. He's trying to be calm but, he can't*


Joonie❤️😍😘: "We're on our way, don't be nervous everything will be fine 😘"

*Jimin gulps after reading the message. He quickly runs downstairs to check on the food*

Jimin: "Their on their way, is everything ready Eomma???"

Mrs. Park: "Yes honey everything is ready."

Jimin: "What about the table, did you set the table?????"

Mrs. Park: "Yessssssss, relax. Oooooh you look nice."

Jimin: "Nice? Just nice?? Ugh I have to change..."

*Mrs Park grabs Jimin*

Mrs. Park: "Honey breathe. You look amazing. Calm down."

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