Chapter Sixteen: Seriously?

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The Next Day at Yoongi and Hobi's House...

*All of the guys are in Hobi and Yoongi's studio in the basement. As Tae and Kookie are helping Hobi and Yoongi with their song over on the sound board, NamJoon looks over and sees Jimin sitting all by himself playin on his phone over on the couch. He walks over to him and sits next to him*

NamJoon: "What's wrong Mochi?"

Jimin: *casually looks up from his phone* "Nothing."

NamJoon: *places his pointer finger and his thumb under Jimin's chin and turns his face towards his* "What's wrong?"

Jimin: "She'll be here I thought it would be best if I stayed by myself."

*NamJoon sits back on the couch and just looks at Mochi with this cold expression on his face*

Jimin: "What???"

NamJoon: "We talked about this. Multiple times. Mochi please stop acting like this. How many times do I have to say and prove that I don't want Isabella? What is it going to take for you to believe me?"

Jimin: "Joonie it's not that I don't believe you it's just when she gets here I know she'll be all over you and I-"

???: "Hi everyone."

*Before Jimin could finish his sentence in walks...*

NamJoon: "Hey Isabella, you're pretty early. We weren't expecting you for another hour.."

*Jimin immediately crossed his arms and slouched on the couch*

Isabella: "I know, but I was in the area so I figured I should just come by."

Jimin: *Mumbles* "In the area...pfft."

*Yoongi, Hobi, Kookie, and Tae all said hello to Isabella. Kookie looked at Jimin and saw him looking like he wanted to die*

Kookie: "Hey Chim, bout you come in and record your verse for the song you just wrote?"

*Jimin gets up and slowly walks inside the booth*

Yoongi: "Jimin wrote a song? About what?"

Kookie: "You'll see...he wrote it for his music class final. It's...pretty personal. Me, Tae, and Jin already have our verses on it."

Hobi: "What's it called?"

*Tae and Kookie just looked each other for a second. Then Tae looked back at NamJoon sitting on the couch*

Tae: "Dimple..."

*Once Jimin puts on his headset, Kookie hands Yoongi the track. Yoongi counts down letting Jimin know when to start. As the track plays Jimin closes his eyes and begins singing his parts. NamJoon immediately looks up at him in awe. He knew the song was about him. He gets up and walks over to the soundboard as Jimin is singing. Once Jimin opens his eyes to sing his last part, he sees NamJoon smiling at him. Once Jimin was finished he came out the booth*

Kookie: "Great job Chim."

Tae: "It was perfect."

Isabella: "Wow, I didn't know all of you guys could sing like that. Jimin what inspired you to write this?"

Jimin: "Well my...lover...has amazing dimples. And I knew I shouldn't have fell for them, but I did anyway because I knew what I wanted..."

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