Chapter Six: Our Secrete

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*After an interesting yet steamy few hours of exploring, "other things" Jimin woke up next to NamJoon. As they were cuddling it felt like a complete dream, until Jimin saw what time it was...*

Jimin: *checks his phone for the time* "Shit!"

*He has over 15 missed calls and over 30 text messages from his mom. NamJoon wakes up as he felt Jimin jump up panicking*

NamJoon: "Mochi what's wrong??"

Jimin: "It's 3am! My mom is going to kill me for missing curfew again! I have to hurry home..."

NamJoon: "I'm sorry for keeping you out so late..."

Jimin: "Well you were pretty....distracting. "

*NamJoon blushes*

Jimin: "Don't worry about it though, I'll be alright. See you at school?"

NamJoon: "Yeah of course."

*As Jimin was about to rush out of the door, NamJoon grabbed his wrist stopping him*

NamJoon: "I don't get a kiss?"

*Jimin smiles. He walks back towards NamJoon and gives him a passionate kiss*

Jimin:"Now I really have to go, see you tomorrow ok."

NamJoon: "Ok..."

*Once Jimin finally got home he couldn't stop smiling. He had the most amazing night of his life with the boy of his dreams. Things were perfect, until he walked through the door...*

Mrs Park: "Park Jimin! Where the hell have you been???? Do you know what time it is?"

Jimin: "Eomma I am so sorry, I completely lost track of time. It won't happen again."

Mrs. Park: "Jimin, were you really out with this new boy all night?"

Jimin: "Yes Eomma I was but-"

Mrs. Park: "What were you guys doing until 3am???"

Jimin: "N-nothing Eomma...we just talked about our project for our music class and fell asleep...was completely an accident...I promise."

Mrs. Park: "Oh really? Working on a project? Then what the hell is that!?"

*Jimin's mom points to a hickey on his collarbone. Jimin couldn't find the words to explain himself*

Jimin: "It- its a bruise..."

Mrs. Park: "Jimin do you think I'm stupid? You come in this house with your shirt half buttoned at 3am, with a huge hickey and your telling me you were working on a project?"

Mrs.Park: "Jimin your 16...I know I can't stop you from having sex but you better be careful. The next time you miss curfew on a school night, will be the last time you leave this house. Am I clear?"

Jimin: "Yes Eomma, I promise."

*Jimin heads upstairs to his room. As he went to put on something to sleep in he looks at the hickey on his collar bone in the mirror. The idea that he had a hickey by one of the cutest guys in the world gave Jimin butterflies. He couldn't wait to tell Tae and Kookie about it tomorrow...*
Next Day...

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