Chapter Three: Lets Play a Game

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*As Jimin, Tae, Kookie, and Jin arrive at Hobi's house they all take a big gulp. The house was huge!*

*As they check each others hair and outfits for the final time they get out the car and walk up to Hobi's house

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*As they check each others hair and outfits for the final time they get out the car and walk up to Hobi's house. As Jimin rings the doorbell he feels his palms getting sweaty and his breathing is intense.*

Tae: *Whispers* "It's ok Chim, just be calm."

*Hobi answers the door wearing a tank top, joggers, and a baseball cap with a drink in his hand.*

Hobi: "Hey, Jimin. Glad you and your friends could make it, we're in the backyard, come on in you guys."

*As Hobi moves to the side to let them enter, he closes the door behind them.*

Tae: "Your house is amazing." *He says slightly blushing*

Hobi: "Thanks, my parents left it to me so me and Yoongi live here."

Tae: "That's so nice of you to share your house."

Hobi: *He smiles at Tae*, "Thanks. You guys can put your jackets and stuff upstairs in my room if you want, its the third door on the right. We'll be right out here."

Jimin: "Ok, thanks Hobi."

Hobi: "No problem."

*They all walk up the stairs admiring how beautifully decorated Hobi's house is. Everything was so neat and clean. It looked like a classy bachelor pad. As they find Hobi's room, they all enter and take a huge breathe.*

Jin: "Tae you are such a hoe!"

Tae: "What did I do?!"

Jin: *Mocking Tae*, "Thats so nice of you to share your houseeeeeeee."

Tae: "That is nice of him!"

Kookie: "Nah Tae that was definitely you trying to flirt." *He laughs*

Tae: "Oh my god! Yall be quiet we are here for Jimin! Not me.."

Jimin: "Oh so your saying you don't have a thing for Hobi?"

Tae: *he stutters*, "That-That's i-it's.....irrelevant!"

Kookie: "Mhm. Exactly!"

Tae: "At least I don't have a thing for Yoongi Kookie!"

*Kookie freezes and covers his mouth*

Jimin: "Wait! Hold the hell up! Kookie you have a crush on Yoongi??"

*Jin face palms himself*

Kookie: "N-no..not like a-a crush. He j-just...intrigues me..."

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