Chapter Eight: Talk To Me

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*After all of the boys confessed their feelings to Jimin, Tae, and Kookie a month ago, things have been pretty smooth sailing, there's just one teeny tiny problem. Jimin is finally ready to take things with NamJoon to the next level but shockingly, NamJoon keeps avoiding it. One day after school at NamJoon's house, he and Jimin were on the couch making out. As their make out grew more intense, Jimin reached for NamJoon's belt and it made NamJoon jump*

Jimin: "What's wrong Joonie?"

NamJoon: "N-nothing, it's just uh...getting pretty late maybe I should take you home..."

Jimin: "I mean you could...or we could do something else.." *He smirks*

*As Jimin begins to kiss NamJoon's neck, Joonie gently pushes him off*

Jimin: "Seriously..."

NamJoon: "Mochi I just don't think now is the best time to do this.."

Jimin: "What? Why??"

NamJoon: "I just want to make sure we're ready before we just do it.."

Jimin: "Joonie we've been dating for four don't think we're ready?"

NamJoon: "Look Mochi how about we talk about this another time? Let me get you home ok."

*Jimin grabs his shoes and his coat angrily*

Jimin: "Fine."

*The ride to Jimin's house was the most awkward ride ever. Both of them were completely silent. NamJoon kept looking over at him but Jimin was too pissed to acknowledge it. As they finally pull up to Jimin's house, he immediately gets out the car slamming the door, storming up to the front door. NamJoon quickly gets out and goes after him*

NamJoon: "Mochi, please don't be mad at me...I just need time that's all."

Jimin: "Whatever Joonie."

NamJoon: "Mochi why the sudden rush for us to have sex?"

Jimin: "It's not a rush, I want to do it and you don't. Message received. Now can I go?"

NamJoon: "Mochi it's not that I don't want to, I just want to make sure that...I'm completely ready and comfortable..."

Jimin: "This coming from the boy who was feeling me up and trying to undo my pants on the first date? What changed?"

NamJoon: "I didn't love you at that time, it's different now..."

Jimin: "Joonie are you trying to find an excuse to back out? Because none of this makes sense."

NamJoon: "No, of course not-"

Jimin: "Are you attracted to me?"

NamJoon: "Duh Mochi..."

Jimin: "Then I don't get the problem..can you please talk to me???"

NamJoon: "Look Mochi just give me time ok? Now get inside before your mom gets mad at me again."

*NamJoon lifts Jimin's head and attempts to kiss his lips, but Jimin turned his head making NamJoon kiss his cheek*

NamJoon: "Mochi..."

Jimin: "I'll talk to you later Joonie."

*Jimin slams the door as he walks in the house. He just doesn't get it. How can NamJoon want to have sex in the beginning and now not feel ready? Something is up and Jimin will get to the bottom of it. So he makes some calls to find out whats going on*

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