Chapter Thirteen: I Promise...(18+)

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*It has been three weeks since NamJoon and Jimin have broken up. Both of them are completely depressed and unhappy. Days seem long, colors look dull, things that used to give them life no longer do. As they pass in the halls, they always stare at each other, but neither one of them have the guts to speak. Until one day in the hall, they bumped into each other...literally. This interaction forced them to speak...*

Jimin: "Ouch!" *He yells as he hits the floor*

NamJoon: "I'm sorry I was looking at my phone." *He says as he helps pick up Jimin's books that fell to the floor with him*

*As he hands Jimin his books their eyes finally meet. Once they realized they bumped into each other, both their eyes widened...*

Jimin: "No's ok, I shouldn't have had my headphones in..."

NamJoon: "It's ok..."

*As NamJoon stands up he holds out his hand offering to help Jimin up. As Jimin pressed his lips together, he took NamJoon's hand*

NamJoon: "How have you been? You ok?" *He asked concerned*

Jimin: "Yeah...I'm fine, you?"

NamJoon: "Could be better to be honest..."

*Jimin looks shyly at the ground, constantly debating if he should profess his feelings to Joonie or not. As he opened his mouth about to speak, NamJoon suddenly spoke first..*

NamJoon: "Look Mo- um...Jimin...I know things have been pretty awkward with us since the break up but...I do miss us hanging out and studying together like we used to when we were just friends..."

*Jimin looked shocked...he wasn't expecting that at all...*

Jimin: "Really? Are you saying you want us to be friends again? Do you really think we could do that?"

NamJoon: "Yeah, I think so..."

Jimin: "Um...yeah. Sure. I would like that..." *He says with his pretty smile*

*They began to walk to their music class, once they sit down, their teacher reminds  them that their final exam for his class will be coming up in the next few days. After class NamJoon caught Jimin on the way to his locker*

NamJoon: "Hey you think we could study together? For the exam. I would ask Hobi or Yoongi but...their not the best study partners." *He said with a slight chuckle*

*Jimin tried to hide it but he was very happy to spend time with NamJoon like he used to*

Jimin: "Yeah, of course sounds good."

Even though Jimin was excited to be around Joonie again, he also became nervous when they would study alone at NamJoon's house...there were a lot of interesting memories that took place there which sometimes made studying difficult. After them studying together for 4 days, they finally took their test. Once the test was over, they thought that since Hobi, Tae, Kookie, and Yoongi were double dating that night, they could celebrate being done with their exams together. So they head to Joonie's house. They watch some movies on the couch, ate some snacks and of course they talk...

Jimin: "I'm so glad those exams are brain is completely fried..."

NamJoon: "Yeah, me too. Sadly though my hell continues..."

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