Chapter Twelve: The Truth Pt.2 (18+)

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*Jimin's mouth completely fell to the floor, he didn't know what to do or how to feel*

Jimin: "Your mom???"

NamJoon: "Eomma what are you doing here???"

Mrs. Kim: "I came to talk to you about something...but I see your pretty busy. That must be why you answered none of my phone calls..."

NamJoon: "Eomma please let me explain..."

Mrs. Kim: "Go ahead, explain. Explain to me why there was a BOY in his UNDERWEAR on your lap kissing your neck."

NamJoon: "Eomma, this is Jimin...he'"

Mrs. Kim: "He's what????"

NamJoon: "He's my boyfriend..."

Mrs. Kim: "Since when have you had a boyfriend? Since when were you gay?"

NamJoon: "I'm not gay mom, but I have been attracted to guys for a while...just like I'm attracted to girls..."

Mrs. Kim: "Why haven't you told me about him? Or about you being gay...or bi or whatever?"

NamJoon: "I was...but then you told me about Isabella..."

Jimin: "Whose Isabella???"

Mrs. Kim: "His wife."

NamJoon: "She's not my wife..."

Mrs. Kim: "She will be. Soon. And not to mention she will be here next month to finally meet you with her family. So whatever this is has to"

Jimin: "Next month..." *He whispered to himself*

*Jimin just stood behind Joonie in complete shock...*

NamJoon: "Next month??? I thought you said we won't meet each other until I graduate..."

Mrs. Kim: "I did say that, but she's very eager to meet you so I moved it up."

NamJoon: "Mom I don't want to marry Isabella. I don't even know her. But...I love Jimin. I want to be with him..."

Mrs. Kim: "NamJoon...I love you. You know that. But theres no way your father will allow you to date a boy. He found you a perfect future long as he is paying for your house, your car, and for you to go college soon..he won't allow this at all."

NamJoon: "But mom I-"

Mrs. Kim: "Not buts. We will finish this conversation tomorrow..."

*NamJoon's mom walks out of his house slamming the door...*

Jimin: "So..thats the mom huh..."

NamJoon: "Mhm..."

Jimin: "And your future coming to meet you next month..."

NamJoon: "Looks like it..."

Jimin: *Says softly to NamJoon,* "I think I'm ganna go ok.."

NamJoon: "What? Mochi can we at least talk about this?"

Jimin: "Joonie your mom just came in and saw me half naked on your lap, kissing your neck. Then she brings up your 'future wife' coming to meet you and finally says how we can't be together or your father will cut you off. This is all a bit too much for me..."

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