Chapter Nine: Uh-Oh...

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Day of the camping date...

*As Jimin is in his room packing, his mom comes in his room and notices he's a little uneasy...*

Mrs. Park: "Hey honey, are you all ready for your trip?"

Jimin: "Hey Eomma, um almost ready..."

Mrs. Park: "Alright. I hope you have fun. And here, I have something for you..."

*Mrs. Park hands Jimin three condoms...Jimin is completely shook*

Jimin: "Eomma!?"

Mrs. Park: "Jimin I know you and NamJoon are getting serious and I just want you guys to be responsible out there. Just take these and be safe. Better safe than sorry."

*She gives Jimin a hug, then let's him finish packing. As he's finishing up he hears someone coming up the stairs back towards his room*

Jimin: "Eomma I promise I don't need anymore condoms I swear..."

*As he looks over he sees NamJoon...*

Jimin: "J-Joonie...h-hey baby..."

NamJoon: "Hey...sorry you're mom let me in..."

*Jimin felt so embarrassed he couldn't even look NamJoon in the eye*

NamJoon: "So what's this about um...condoms?"

Jimin: "N-nothing...Eomma just thought that since we've been getting more serious that we're...ya know...but I know you don't want to so I'll just leave them here."

*NamJoon looks around making sure Jimin's mom wasn't around*

NamJoon: "'s not that I don't want to..."

*He grabs Jimin by the waist and pulls him close and looks him in the eyes...*

NamJoon: "I want to...I swear. There's just something going on with me right now that I'm trying to get under control first..."

Jimin: "Joonie can you at least tell me what's going on? What do you need to get under control???"

NamJoon: "Just some family stuff..."

Jimin: "Are you telling me the truth Joonie?"

NamJoon: "Yes...I promise."

*NamJoon tilts up Jimin's head and gives him a passionate kiss. Jimin slowly wraps his arms around NamJoon's neck as he continues to kiss and suck his lips. As he feels Jimin bite his bottom lip NamJoon realized his mom could walk in on them and lightly pushed Mochi away*

NamJoon: "Wait wait...your mom is right downstairs...maybe we should get ready to go..."

*Jimin is slightly disappointed but he puts on a smile to hide it...*

Jimin: "Y-yeah. Yeah your right, let's go."

*As NamJoon started walking down the steps...Jimin finished packing. As he was grabbing his coat, he saw the condoms on his nightstand....he looked around and quickly put them in his pocket...*

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