Chapter Eighteen: I Love Him...

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Mr. Kim: *raises his voice* "What is it going to be?!?"

*NamJoon looks at Jimin, then back at his father*

NamJoon: "...Him."

*Jimin sprung his head up...he couldn't believe it. He felt happy, excited, scared, guilty, every emotion in the book. But that feeling of guilt took over him pretty quick...*

NamJoon: "I love him Dad...I'm not losing him again because of you guys."

*As Jimin stood behind Joonie he couldn't help but to feel at fault...*

Mr. Kim: "Fine. So be it. I want your things packed up, and out of the house by this Sunday. I never want to see you again."

*He turned around and began walking back to his car. NamJoon slowly closed the door and looked at the ground*

Jimin: "Joonie I am so sorry...are you ok?"

NamJoon: *chuckles* "I just got disowned by my father...I don't know if I'm ok..."

*Jimin quickly ran to NamJoon and hugged him*

Jimin: "...Do you hate me?"

*NamJoon looked at Jimin while his arms are wrapped around his waist with a confused face*

NamJoon: "Hate you? Why would I hate you?"

Jimin: " had to choose between me and your future..."

NamJoon: "No Mochi I don't hate you, that's not your fault..."

Jimin: "Are you going to resent me for this one day?"

NamJoon: "....No. I made this choice because I love you and I want you to be the main part of my future."

*Jimin smiles at NamJoon and gives him a peck. As he hugs him he tries to feel happy but can't completely shake the slight feeling of guilt. He wants to help NamJoon...but how?*

3 Days Later:

*The guys are over at NamJoon's house helping him pack his stuff and take it over to Hobi and Yoongi's house. While Jimin, Tae, Jin, and Kookie are packing up NamJoon's room upstairs...NamJoon, Hobi, and Yoongi were packing the living room downstairs*

Hobi: "I can't believe he's really making you move out..."

NamJoon: "I can. My dad has always been know that..."

Hobi: "I know but still..."

Yoongi: "He is still your dad and your still his son...maybe he just needs time to process everything."

NamJoon: "So... 'I never want to see you again' is code for...let me process everything?"

Yoongi: "Could be..."

NamJoon: "I don't think so. He was already upset that I didn't want to join the family business. He just became ok with the fact that I wanted to pursue in addition to all that...he has to deal with his only son...having a boyfriend? I don't think he'll be able to even look at me anymore let alone talk to me."

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