Chapter Twenty-Seven: New Roommates

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NamJoon: "You what???"

Yoongi: "Well we didn't intend on doing it but it happened."

*Both of them walk in and sit on the couch after they sit their stuff by the door*

Jimin: "So they just randomly found out?"

Yoongi: "Thanks to Hobi..."

NamJoon: "Hobi? What did you do?"

Hobi: "Nothing!...At least not on purpose. We were having a date night, Kookie and Yoongi were upstairs so me and Tae had to be downstairs. Our parents did a surprise pop up during their local businesses trip and um..."

NamJoon: "And what?"

Hobi: "They kinda saw me and Tae...on the couch...yeah."

Jimin: "Oh my god..." *He said feeling all of the second hand embarrassment*

Yoongi: "Oh no, trust me it gets better. Finish the story Hobi."

Hobi: "Then...they ran upstairs to get Yoongi...and caught him with Kookie. So they gave us an ultimatum to break up with them or leave 'their house' we are."

Jimin: "This Deja Vu is too real right now..."

NamJoon: " Ok...." *He looks over and sees Jimin frantically typing on his phone* "Baby what are you doing?"

Jimin: "Checking on Tae and Kookie, I bet they feel so embarrassed..."

Yoongi: "Good luck. I tried calling Kookie but he won't answer."

Hobi: "Same with Tae."

*NamJoon looks down at his phone when he realizes his phone is ringing*

NamJoon: "Shit..." *He says as he looks at it*

Jimin: "What's wrong Joonie?"

NamJoon: "My dad is calling..."

*Hobi face palms himself*

Yoongi: "Oh my god! Our parents spread info faster than high school girls...."

NamJoon: *Slowly picks up the phone* "Hello..."

*All the guys hear is yelling coming from the other side of the phone, NamJoon could barely get a word in*

NamJoon: "How is this my fault???? Corrupted them??? Wait wait no-"

*His dad hangs up*

Jimin: "What he say Joonie?"

NamJoon: "Basically...he said it's my fault, I confused and corrupted them...I need to kick them out....blah blah."

Yoongi: "Wow..."

Hobi: "Seriously?"

NamJoon: "Oh and their coming over tomorrow to talk to us after school. And they want Jimin, Tae, and Kookie to be here too...yay...."

Jimin: "Me? Damn what do I do????"

Yoongi: "Ha! Good luck..."

Hobi: "I doubt Tae and Kookie would come."

Jimin: "I mean, I might be able to help with that, but tomorrow morning you guys should talk to them before school starts..."

*Both Yoongi and Hobi nod their heads*

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