Chapter Fifthteen: Not Giving Up(18+)

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*NamJoon immediately felt his face frown as he felt himself getting upset*

NamJoon: "We should just be friends? Are you fucking kidding me? Mochi we tried that remember. It ended with us fucking on my dinning room table. You know we can't just be friends..." *Says as he's trying to whisper*

Jimin: "Joonie..."

NamJoon: "No seriously Mochi...I need you to stop being jealous. If I wanted her me and you wouldn't even be having this conversation," *He pulls Jimin close to him*, "I want you...only you."

Jimin: "Ok, I'm sorry..."

NamJoon: "It's ok." *He tilts up Jimin's chin and slowly kisses his lips*

Jimin: "Wait Joonie...what if someone comes up here?"

*NamJoon quickly looks around making sure no one is around, then he pulls Jimin back into the bathroom and locks the door as he continues to kiss him again*

Jimin: "Everybody's going to wonder where we are..."

*NamJoon slowly unbuckles Jimin's belt as he kisses his neck*

NamJoonie: "Then we just have to be fast...and quiet..." *He says as he continues to kiss his neck*

Ten Minutes Later...Back Downstairs...

*As NamJoon and Isabella's parents are talking to each other, NamJoon's mom notices that he's been gone awhile. As she looks around and sees the boys talking in the kitchen, she notices Jimin is gone as well*

Mrs. Kim: "Please excuse me for a moment, I'm going to go find NamJoon."

*After she excuses herself she immediately goes upstairs. She sees NamJoon's bedroom door is open but no one's in there. As she looks back into the hallway, she sees the bathroom door is shut but she can see the light is on from under the door*
Back in the Bathroom...

*NamJoon has Jimin bent over the bathroom sink. Both of their pants around their thighs as NamJoon has both of his hand firmly gripping onto Jimin's waist as he thrusts deeply in and out of him. As Jimin bites his lip trying not to moan so loud, they heard a knock on the bathroom door. Once they heard the knock NamJoon immediately put his hand over Jimin's mouth*

NamJoon: "Um..yes?" *He said nervously*

Mrs. Kim: "NamJoon, what are doing?"

NamJoon: "Um, Eomma I-I got sick...but I'm feeling pretty good I'll be down in a minute..."

*Jimin silently shakes his head no and puts up five fingers as Joonie still has his mouth covered*

NamJoon: "Or five minutes..."

Mrs. Kim: " you know where your little friend is?"

*NamJoon and Jimin just looked at each other*

NamJoon: "No...maybe he went outside for some air or something..."

Mrs. Kim: "Mhm, well hurry up. You still have guest downstairs." *She looks at the door again, then begins to walk downstairs*

*As they hear her walking down the stairs NamJoon removes his hand from Jimin's mouth and they quietly laugh*

Jimin: "That was too close.."

NamJoon: "I know right."

Jimin: "Well hurry up, we only got 5 minutes..." *He said as he smiles at him*

*NamJoon smiles then kisses his lips as he continues to thrust into him*
Another Ten Minutes Later...

*NamJoon walks back downstairs into the dinning room casually fixing his clothes*

NamJoon: "Sorry everyone, I was a bit under the weather but I feel much...much better now. Thank you for your patients."

Mr. Kim: "No problem son. Now that you are back lets all have a seat at the table and eat."

*As everyone makes there way to the table to sit down, Jimin finally makes his way downstairs. As he comes closer to the table he saw an open seat next to NamJoon and an open seat by Tae. Since NamJoon's father sat at the head of the table and his mother was sitting on the other side of NamJoon, Jimin started walking to the seat next to Tae. As NamJoon noticed he quickly said...*

NamJoon: "Oh Mo-Jimin, you sit over here. Next to me."

*Jimin felt himself about to smile but caught himself and simply nodded. As he made his way to the seat next to Joonie, his mother let out a huge sigh. It was bitter sweet because Isabella was sitting directly across front of them. It was also awkward because Jimin was sitting between NamJoon's mom and dad*

Mr. Kim: "Alright everyone dig in, Mrs. Kim prepared this meal very special. Celebrating the future union of our children."

*As everyone ate, Jimin couldn't shake the awkward feeling he had. Every time he looked up he saw Isabella and she kept looking at NamJoon. Jimin tried not to show his jealousy but, it was hard*

Mrs. Kim: "So Isabella, how do you feel so far about this future union?"

Isabella: "Well I was pretty nervous about it at first. But I do feel more at ease now that I finally get to meet NamJoon."

*NamJoon kept looking down at his food*

Mrs. Kim: "Well that's good. However I do think maybe you two should go on a proper date. To get to know each other on a one on one level."

*NamJoon choked on his food*

NamJoon: *Says while trying to clear his throat* "A date? I really don-"

Isabella: "That sounds perfect. How about tomorrow?"

*Jimin's face got redder and redder. Saying he was pissed off was literally an understatement*

NamJoon: "Um..I would but I have plans with my friends tomorrow at Hobi and Yoongi's studio. Sorry."

Mrs. Kim: "Well Isabella could come along. Your future wife should see what you love to do." *She gives a sly smile*

NamJoon: "Um..I-"

Mrs. Kim: "Ill send you the address Isabella."

Isabella: "Thank you."

*Both Jimin and NamJoon just looked at each other. They both knew this would be a disaster*

This is the end of Chapter Fifthteen! What do you think will happen next? Will NamJoon and Jimin really have to go back to sneaking around? Will he tell his father him and Jimin? Guess we'll see in Chapter Sixteen! Also I want to take the time to say thank you to everyone who has/is reading and enjoying my story. As long as you love them I will continue to write them. Make sure you leave a vote and a comment and let me know what you think will happen next! Until next time 💋👋🏾


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