Part 1 - The untold story

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Pie was in her room bawling her eges out after calling it quits  with Kim. It hurt so much that her tears from wouldn't stop flowing.

"Pie, are you alright? Please open the door. I'm worried about you." Miria, her mom called out while knocking on her door endlessly, hoping she'll open it.

But Pie wanted to be alone. She didn't want to talk to anyone else.

Pie cried herself to sleep after sobbing  on her pillow for hours.

Morning came and her mom tried getting her out of her room but heard nothing, so she decided to call P'Van. "P'Van, I'm so worried about Pie, could you come over and try to talk to her?"

"Why Aunt Miria? What happened to her?" P'Van replied to Pie's mom.

"Kim and her broke-up last night. She is hurting so much right now. She did nothing but cry since the break-up. I tried to talk to her but she wouldn't open her door. I just don't know what else to do. Please.... Please come over and talk to her."

P'Van didn't have to think twice. He agreed to visit Pie not only because of her mom's request but because he truly cares for her.

While waiting for P'Van to arrive, Pie's mom still hopes that her daughter will come to her senses and open the door, but to no avail. It's noon and Pie has not eaten anything since last night.

P'Van arrived and went straight to Pie's door.

"Pie, it's me, P'Van," knocking on her door. I bought something for you to eat. It's your favorite chocolate cake. Please talk to me." P'Van said in a worried tone.

No answer.

P'Van then sat outside Pie's door. His back leaning against it. He waited for hours, hoping that Pie will come out of her room, but he fell asleep while doing so.

A good 30 minutes passed, P'Van was suddenly awaken by the noise inside Pie's room. She's awake, he's certain, so he tried knocking on her door but she still did not answer.

It's past 4 since he tried talking to Pie. The waiting game makes him so worried about her.

He tried knocking on Pie's door once again, "Pie, you have not eaten anything. Your mom and I are worried about you. I wont ask you to open the door and talk to any of us if you don't want to, but please eat something. I will leave the chocolate cake here. Call me if you feel like talking to me, okay? I'm going."

Miria thanked P'Van for trying his best while escorting him out.

"What am I gonna do P'Van?" Pie"s mom asked.

"Aunt Miria, as much as we are so worried of Pie, I think we should just let her be, for now. I think, she's still confused and just wants to think alone. Let's trust Pie. She's strong. When she's ready, she'll come out on her own and talk to us." P'Van explained.

"I hope you're right P'Van. Thanks for everything. Drive safe." Miria bid farewell.

Miria wanted to try one last time, "I am so worried about you, but if you really want to be alone for now, I will respect that, my princess. You know I love you and that I'm always here for you. I will always wait for you to open that door and I will wait for you to tell me when you're ready."

Miria went to her room to get some r st hoping that tomorrow, her daughter will pick herself up.


note: i do not know Pie's mom's name, Kim's Dad's and some of the characters so I used whatever names that popped in my head.

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