XXXIX - Not again!

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All the things they bought were delivered.  Of course, this time,  Pie was in charge.  She made the decision on where to place some stuff specially the heavy ones while they used their own strength for the things that the two of them could lift.

But mostly,  it was Pie who kept ordering Kim to move or lift something.

"Kim,  I think you should move the coffee table to the left a little." Pie ordered.

"Sure, Pie."  Kim obeyed enthusiastically.

"Kim,  Please transfer that lamp to the other end of the couch."

"Kim, throw that plastic."

"Kim,  remove the wrapper."

"Kim, please mop the floor."

Pie’s constant bossing around has gotten in to Kim’s nerves.

"Uhmmm... Pie, I think you should lend a little hand in here."  Kim reacted sarcastically.

"Oh!  Right!  I’m sorry, Kim.  I’m just too excited."  Pie replied.

Kim frowned and said, "Being excited and bossy are two different things."

The two has finished arranging almost everything.

"Kim,  let’s bring our things up."  Pie suggested.

"Yup.  Let’s do that."  Kim replied.

Both of them went to their respective vehicles to get their personal stuff and brought it up to their unit.

Pie picked some pictures of them and placed it in a picture frame.  She placed one frame in the living room and hanged the biggest frame in their room.

Kim, on the other hand, neatly arranged their clothes, bags, shoes and accessories in their closet.

"Okay,  I’m done here, Pie."  Kim uttered.

Pie went in their closet and saw how their clothes were meticulously arranged.

"Looks like we’re done here, Kim!"  Pie claimed.  "We did a great job!"  She added.

"Almost!"  Kim disagreed. "I think everything looks refreshing and well arranged except for us."  Kim added as she went closer to Pie and sniffed her hair.

Pie pushed Kim away, "Alright!  I’ll bathe first."

"Nope!  I’ll go first."  Kim reiterated.

"Kim!  Ladies first!"  Pie shouted.

Kim chuckled, winked at Pie and said,  "I’m a lady too, Pie.  That means,  we should bathe together."

Pie was blushing,  "No, Kim!"  She said that while looking at Kim sharply.

"Worth trying." Kim said and smiled.

Kim suddenly remembered that she has not arranged her ought to be playroom.  She quickly got her bathrobe and ran to the bathroom.

"I’ll go ahead, Pie."  Kim said as she locks the door.

"After I’m done bathing, It’ll be Pie’s turn.  Then,  I will use that time to arrange my playroom."  She told herself while bathing.

Kim was done and she quickly put on her clothes.  It was Pie’s turn now and before she was able to lock the door...

"I can bathe with you again!"  Kim teased her.

"Give it up, Kim!" Pie shouted.

Kim took the chance and arranged her playroom and finished everything.  Then she went back to her room.

Pie was done bathing.  She wrapped her towel around her body.  She opened the bathroom door and stepped out to the closet.

To her surprise,  Kim hugged her from the back and smelled her from shoulder, up to her neck and ear.

"Hmmm!  You smell really good, Pie."  Kim said.

Pie wasn’t able to react.

Kim smirked and teased Pie more.  She was now kissing Pie on her shoulder and  her neck. 

Kim’s touched sent shivers down Pie’s spine. She wanted to pull away but she felt good.

Kim was not stopping and Pie was enjoying it.  After all, they’ve been together for years now.

Pie had no plans to stop Kim.  Kim knows that.  She gathered all of her guts and was about to pull Pie’s towel...

And the door bell suddenly rang...

Both of them were surprised.  Pie was the first to pull away.  And as usual,  Kim moved her ass to see who’s on the door.

"Who could be this visitor?!" Kim said as she scratch her head.

Kim saw her dad on the built in monitor.

"Not again!"  Kim exhaled.


Guys,  I am asking for your opinion on this matter. Some of you wants Kim and Pie do usual adult stuff and some wants to maintain their wholesome relationship.  I want to know your opinion on this because your opinion matters to me.  :-)  thanks

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